A Word In Your Furry… (Friday Fictioneers, December 2012)

This week’s photo prompt for Friday Fictioneers   comes courtesy of Scott L  Vannater.  I love the opportunity to anthropomorphize… (they can’t touch you for it.)  😉

Merry Christmas to all Friday Fictioneers!  Hope it’s a good one for everyone.

Huh? – off the table?  I’m not through licking the butter yet.

You know your trouble, dontcha?  Controlling… yup.

Same thing with that litter tray business.  I climbed in it for a pee didn’t I?  Okay, so I pee’d up the wall, the feet were in the right place.  You need to be more explicit, hon.

And you might think about changing that kibble you keep throwing in my bowl.  Do I look as though I stalk vegetables?  What’s so wrong with chicken flavour?

What?  Bit of gas never killed anybody.

Now… about the turkey you left on the drainer…

About Sandra

I used to cruise the French waterways with my husband four or five months a year, and wrote fiction and poetry. Now I live on the beautiful Dorset coast, enjoying the luxury of being able to have a cat, cultivating an extensive garden and getting involved in the community. I still write fiction, but only when the spirit moves me - which isn't as often as before. I love animals, F1 motor racing, French bread and my husband, though not necessarily in that order.
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83 Responses to A Word In Your Furry… (Friday Fictioneers, December 2012)

  1. You’ve hit on so many reasons I keep my cats outside! 🙂


    • Sandra says:

      Now I’m going to worry about those cats… 🙂 Thanks for dropping by.


      • Oh, they’re fine! We thought one of them was close to death four years ago. She was losing weight and shedding ALL her hair, leaving nasty clumps everywhere. The vet couldn’t tell us what was wrong with her, wanted to do expensive tests, talked of having to give her a pill once a day for the rest of her life… When she took up residence among my pots and pans, it was outside for her. Amazingly, all her hair grew back and she’s healthy as ever. The other cat came along later and has never been indoors, which isn’t even an option since one of my children developed a cat allergy.


  2. claireful says:

    Hah! Loved it. Has any Friday Fictioneer ever written ‘Bit of gas never killed anybody.’ before I wonder? Happy Christmas Sandra.


  3. This was similar to my initial thoughts, too. I went in a somewhat similar direction. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!


  4. This is cute. This is an unusual kitty. I’ve had cats all my life and never saw one miss the litter box or pass gas (like dogs). lol.


  5. tedstrutz says:

    Damn Butter Lickers!!!


  6. Tom Poet says:

    Who doesn’t want to lick the butter? Cats know what they wants and I respect cats for that. A great take on one of my favorite animals.



  7. Dear Sandra,
    “Do I look as though I stalk vegetables?” Hahaha. Great line. I even thought about writing a story from the cat’s POV. You did a stellar job for both of us. If nothing else cats have attitude. This made me smile.


    • Sandra says:

      I can’t take credit for this line Rochelle – I heard it on a television ad that’s circulating here in the UK. Thanks for commenting, glad it made you smile.


  8. Furry good…. now pass the catnip, please.
    It’ll help with my gas.


  9. kz says:

    a view of what’s in a cat’s mind… delightful! ^^


  10. Judee says:

    I’m not a cat owner, but this rings so true, lol. Enjoyed it!


  11. Sue says:

    That one fair made me laugh, thanks Sandra xx


  12. Cat’s eye view of the rules! Love it. And you’re right, we did see this prompt pretty much the same way 😉


  13. writeondude says:

    Very good, nice to hear a different point of view. Christmas must be so much simpler if you’re a cat.


  14. Debra Kristi says:

    You have just described my new cat perfectly. I have had cats all my life and have never had a cat with gas until now. Ugh! The vet tells me it’s a parasite, though. So she is being treated and it’s getting better. That’s what you get for getting a rescue kitty. The only time I had cats miss were when they were old or sickly, with the exception of males in heat. Now that last one is seriously fun to deal with – not. Really cute, fun read. 😀 Happy Holidays, Sandra!


  15. What a complainer. Love your insight on the mind of the cat.


  16. Erin Leary says:

    I expected the cat to have some sort of plot of evil cooking. My cat is a fan of hopping up on the table. And I let him. All the best for a great holiday to you and yours!


    • Sandra says:

      When I lived on my own I used to let the cat on the table. That had to change when I met my husband and poor Muffin wondered what had hit him when it was suddenly out of bounds. 🙂 Have a great holiday yourself, Erin.


  17. Have you been peeking in my windows? I live with this cat! Nicely done.


  18. I loved this thought processing here of the cat, kind of random and very busy. Nicely done. I hope you have a Merry Christmas!!


  19. Sunshine says:

    Well, I guess we can say we all know who rules this table…:)
    I totally relate to the litter box situation!! Ugh.


  20. Anne Orchard says:

    Great voice for a cantankerous cat. Currently not able to share life with them due to son’s allergy and they are much missed. Well done Sandra.


    • Sandra says:

      Yes, I’m not able to commit to the dog-fostering rota during the winter months for the same reason – not too bad when I can keep doors and windows open. I really miss having animals around the house. Thanks for commenting.


  21. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear Sandra,

    Merry Christmas and I loved your story. It is abundantly clear to me that you are a cat lover and have had years of experience reading their minds.




  22. That’s why I don’t have a cat. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  23. unspywriter says:

    Loved it! That could have been my long-lamented cat’s voice. 😉

    Here’s mine: http://unexpectedpaths.com/friday-fictioneers/bah-humbug/


  24. Hi Sandra,
    This is inspired and hilarious. I live with 25 cats, so I should know. I’m going to add one more comment the kitty made: “You’re not my real mother.” Joyeux Noel! Ron


  25. Abraham says:

    I though of anthropomorphizing as well, but this is way, way better than anything I would have come up with.


  26. brudberg says:

    That sounds like a lot of cats I’ve known.


  27. rich says:

    personification and beyond. well done. i’m sure that’s what they’re all thinking. not surprised at all.


  28. Sarah Ann says:

    This cat is such a character. I want more than 100-words to know what else he’s been up to. Of course, I only assuming he’s a tom…


  29. Joyce says:

    Ha Ha. If only we could understand the mind and rambling of our pets, we would know their intentions before their mischievous acts. Another good kitty story.


  30. Russell says:

    Loved the cat POV. This one could write an advice column too.


  31. doriantgray says:

    LO-flipping-L! That is totally a cat!


  32. mari wells says:

    This was so funny. My daughter needs to hear this. She’s been begging for a cat for about a year.


  33. boomiebol says:

    So glad i don’t have a cat lol. Very well done, Merry Christmas.


  34. wmqcolby says:

    Yes, I got to hand it to ya, cats have ATTITUDES. Darn good story, Sandra. I always look forward to these gems you put down. Have a Merry Christmas!


  35. Parul says:

    Sandra, this is very nice!
    I loved to hear the cat’s side of the story. She does have a point, however twisted the way to get to it!

    Merry Christmas! 🙂


  36. Tessa says:

    Funny! Most of it fits my cat, but she doesn’t care for people food. She will fight for it, but won’t eat it LOL!


  37. Pingback: When Enough is Enough – Friday Fictioneers, December 2015 | castelsarrasin

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