Transference (Friday Fictioneers, July 2014)

Copyright Kelly Sands

“Make them stop,” she’d scream, hands pressed over her ears to lock out the incessant babble of voices.

Yet the storm raging within her was as nothing, compared to that within my own heart as our family fell apart.

On good days, with medications in perfect balance, her demons stilled. She was my sister once more; we were a family again.

But only briefly.

What I’d planned was in everyone’s interest – I knew that.

“There, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” rasped a voice in my head as I replaced the pillow, “I think we’re going to get along just fine.”

Next week, hopefully, I’ll be back in France and meeting up with another Friday Fictioneer, Janet Webb, who’s over there right now.  Hopefully the problems with the Channel Tunnel will have been resolved.  This week’s Friday Fictioneers, under the guidance of the surgically-booted Rochelle, is underway once more.  And yes, it’s back to the darkness again…

About Sandra

I used to cruise the French waterways with my husband four or five months a year, and wrote fiction and poetry. Now I live on the beautiful Dorset coast, enjoying the luxury of being able to have a cat, cultivating an extensive garden and getting involved in the community. I still write fiction, but only when the spirit moves me - which isn't as often as before. I love animals, F1 motor racing, French bread and my husband, though not necessarily in that order.
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96 Responses to Transference (Friday Fictioneers, July 2014)

  1. MrBinks says:

    When you realise where this is going, the last lines come as sweet release from the build up. Nice 🙂


  2. Yay the dark side returns! Loved it.


  3. Sandra, Good story and well written as usual. That was a difficult situation, but I’m afraid that the rest of the family may not agree with her decision. Law enforcement may also not agree. Well done. —Susan


  4. Sweet release for so many. Yet, that is a heavy burden. Very deep and poignant piece, Sandra.


  5. Tough times will always pass on…
    Good one!


  6. high five and raspberries says:

    Sandra! This will definitely be a favorite this week ! Especially love the ending..


  7. Helena Hann-Basquiat says:

    I love reading and re-reading your stories, because there are always little gaps and twists that leave room for interpretation — this one is especially good for that, and the title is just perfect.


  8. storydivamg says:

    Good twist at the end, Sandra. Nice work.
    Marie Gail


  9. Perhaps I’m interpreting it incorrectly, but I found the ending terrifying.
    That was brilliant and scary.


  10. paulmclem says:

    My take is that she killed her sister but inherited the voices/demons? Big idea for a small story but well handled as usual.


  11. Dear Sandra,

    I truly hope this droll dark streak of yours doesn’t spill over into real life. At any rate she made the voices in her sister’s head stop. See? There’s always a silver lining in every cloud.




  12. Lynda says:

    This is my kind of storyline, but better executed. 🙂


  13. Bleak, bleak bleak view of the human condition’s susceptibilities, or a few of them! Dark as always…!


  14. I’m trying not to think of the devastation to the family if she is caught. Obviously, neither is she.


  15. Well, THAT was delightfully depressing. Well done.


  16. Maree Gallop says:

    Ohh very deep, dark, mysterious and terrifying, well written. I really enjoyed reading.


  17. Visions of Betty Davis/Joan Crawford – or, the Wicked Witch, my lovely.
    Certainly not Rock Hudson and Doris Day from Pillow talk.

    A nasty story greatly told. Maybe Tony Perkins from Psycho. Thanks. Randy


  18. EagleAye says:

    Wow, that is just chilling. The ending is so calm, yet so powerful. Terrific! 🙂


  19. Ellespeth says:

    Oh! I enjoyed this! Scary one before bed, though…


  20. Indira says:

    Nice story Sandra as usual. I will look at the bright side like Rochelle.


  21. Melanie says:

    How devastating!
    Sandra, you are someone to look up to on how well you harness the power of 100 words.


  22. camgal says:

    Haha with medication in perfect balance had me cry laughing a little. Well worded and constructed 🙂


  23. This is dark indeed, Sandra, but oh so good! It seems that Janet is everywhere this summer! What a fun get together that should be! 🙂


  24. The demons found a new home …. very scary and very real feel to this story, Sandra. I felt a lot of empathy for both characters 🙂


  25. draliman says:

    “Back to the darkness” indeed! Great story. Methinks this sister has her own internal demons.


  26. rgayer55 says:

    I hope that girl doesn’t come around. If she messes up one of Connie’s pillows just to drown those voices in my head Connie will be pretty upset. She might even have to change the pillow case.


  27. Nan Falkner says:

    Sandra, this is such a spooky, clever story and could happen easily with the wrong mixture of medicines. Gosh, clever you are and I’m going to lock my medicine cabinet now. Thanks for making me think of it! Nan 🙂


  28. Mike says:

    Sinister. A great last line.


  29. Great take on mental illness and I can see how the image lead you there. No support for people ill like that in the UK, I’m afraid.


  30. Those were the perfect sentences too build up this fiction (I hope, fiction). Sandra, I always love to come around and read your FF because I’m assuredly left astounded. Thank you for that 🙂


  31. wmqcolby says:

    Yikes! You DID venture to the dark side this week. I don’t know how you do it, but keep it going, Sandra. A fine effort, as always. Bravissimo!


  32. Another exceptional story. I’ve learned never to overlook the significance of your titles.


  33. K.Z. says:

    happy that your dark wicked side is back! this was excellent. a truly horrifying ending. and the most terrifying thing was the little voice rasping in her head, assuring her that everything’s gonna be fine…


  34. Fantastically dark ending! Well done!


  35. Egads, Sandra! For a minute there, I thought we were getting a poignant little bit on aging and dementia. Forgive me for doubting you would deliver a truly horrific twist. I should have known better. Great work!


  36. elappleby says:

    extra extra dark this week. Loved ‘as I replaced the pillow’ – very clever story.


  37. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear Sandra,

    This was a particularly well written story, one that requires reading at least three times before realization steals over my pea brain. A very satisfying story…as in, the work of a craftsman. Thanks.




  38. I, too, had to read this story several times. So dark, so sad, so well-written. She was her sister’s keeper and was entrusted to stop the voices – at whatever cost. I love reading your stories.


  39. MissTiffany says:

    Wow. I had to read this a couple times for it to really sink in. Somehow, I don’t think this will make things any easier for this family. Fantastically written!


  40. Oh my. Such evil there. Creepy.


  41. Now that’s surprised me! Very good one!


  42. pattisj says:

    This was a great read, Sandra! You are so precise in words and actions. I hope you get to meet with Janet!


  43. subroto says:

    Now that’s great yarn with a killer ending.


  44. Dee says:

    Back on the dark side… but it suits you so well.
    Hope you are enjoying your travels
    Take care


  45. Sarah Ann says:

    Let’s hope there aren’t any more siblings to take on the role. This demon has a lot to answer for methinks.


  46. Amy Reese says:

    Clever, well told story, Sandra. The demon has found a new friend. Definitely, dark. That’s great that you and Janet can spend time together. Have a wonderful time! Tell Janet I said hi for me.


  47. empeck says:

    Ooh, very disturbing. I may not condone the action, but I love the little story!


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