Everybody’s Doing It – Friday Fictioneers, July 2016


“What’s the rush, Amanda?”

“Rush? Everybody’s doing it.”

“But that’s no reason…”

“People will talk. They’ll say I’m getting too old.”

“Well, if you’re sure…”

So she married, had kids, and I watched, waited and moved on.

We meet today in Starbucks.  She’s divorced now, kids flown the nest.

“I missed you,” she says.

“I missed you too.”

“You’re famous, I read about you in the press.”

I shrug, embarrassed.  “Just lucky, I guess.”

She reaches for my hand.

“Is there a chance for us, Sarah, now I know who I am…?”

I don’t think so; people would talk.

This week’s Friday Fictioneers prompt is a photo I took a few years ago on the Canal du Midi.  My story is a slightly edited and clarified version of the one I wrote back then because… stop me if you’ve heard this before… many people didn’t understand it on first reading last time.  🙂  Thanks to our hostess, Rochelle, whose patience for my obscure offerings has known no bounds. 

About Sandra

I used to cruise the French waterways with my husband four or five months a year, and wrote fiction and poetry. Now I live on the beautiful Dorset coast, enjoying the luxury of being able to have a cat, cultivating an extensive garden and getting involved in the community. I still write fiction, but only when the spirit moves me - which isn't as often as before. I love animals, F1 motor racing, French bread and my husband, though not necessarily in that order.
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42 Responses to Everybody’s Doing It – Friday Fictioneers, July 2016

  1. wow! I could see it…nice moment created.


  2. neilmacdon says:

    Poignant and true. Some opportunities come only once


  3. I remember this one. Still good. I got it then (if I remember correctly) and I get it now.
    Funny…I didn’t remember my own story!


  4. Graham Lawrence says:

    Very thought provoking and suitably obscure. Enjoyable.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh the roads of life takes us down different paths… I guess that sometimes timing is never right.


  6. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear Sandra,

    So this is what she thinks at first, but does she say it out loud after we voyeurs move on to the next link? I love how many stories can be seen beneath the facets of this gem.

    May your summer be long and warm and full of happiness.




    • Sandra says:

      My summer is replete knowing that you are still alive and well. Now, I haven’t yet been to the linky page, but if I were to find you writing again … well that would be the cherry on the cake. Take care, Doug.


  7. Dahlia says:

    I read this and I read the earlier one too – both are brilliantly and succinctly penned. Loved it.


  8. Dear Sandra,

    People are going to talk no matter what, aren’t they? Doing the ‘right’ thing isn’t always the answer. So well done and says a lot in few words.




  9. Mike says:

    closing doors is often the easy way to go, but often the wrong way.


  10. ceayr says:

    Another great piece of writing, slightly tighter than your original, I think.
    Superbly crafted, as ever, with a perfect sucker punch.
    Times, people and opportunities all change, and a chance missed is a chance lost.


  11. Thom Carswell says:

    This was a really tidy and clever piece. Loved the ‘reveal’ and the recurrence of the ‘people will talk’ line. Perfect.


  12. Sarah has become Amanda now!


  13. The tables have turned.
    Sad reality when an opportunity passes, and that’s the risky part of life, knowing which opportunities are worth the risk.


  14. Joy Pixley says:

    Nicely done. And a great lesson: “everyone’s doing it” and “people will talk” are pretty lousy reasons for going against your own heart.


  15. Brilliant story and the repeat was so effective.


  16. draliman says:

    Great story. Sometimes to find happiness you just have to ignore the “people who talk”.


  17. paulmclem says:

    The ending really hit the spot. I love a bit of perceived unrequited love becoming err requited.


  18. Lynn Love says:

    Very good – a lesson learned by all there. You can’t urn bakc the clock and sometimes you really don’t want to! Great story Sandra


  19. I love the repetition of “people will talk”. So many things go undone because they’re afraid of what people will say.


  20. Nan Mykel says:

    Priceless! A very enjoyable read flowed naturally.


  21. Everytime I read your answers I want more. You need to stop doing this. 🙂


  22. Pingback: Manual for Bureaucracy – Friday Fictioneers – The Bumble Files

  23. Opportunities should not be passed up because of what other people might think. Well told.


  24. mickwynn2013 says:

    Very powerful and brilliantly executed as always Sandra. I think we’re all guilty of ruining things because of what others will think at times. As we grow older it’s easier to be independent but then often it’s too late.


  25. liz young says:

    Oh – I was hoping for a happier ending. Well done though!


  26. gahlearner says:

    Last line gave me a chuckle. Some people change and get wiserer, others don’t. Amanda isn’t a huge loss, in my book. Excellent story.


  27. samra says:

    Loved the ending. Most of us usually go with the flow, sadly.


  28. wmqcolby says:

    Hahahaha! Great last line. Like the gentleman laying his coat on the puddle for the lady to walk across, then he puts it back on himself, asks the lady to supper and she’s says, “Forget it, you look like a slob.”
    The pace is impeccable. There’s a rhythm in the story itself, which adds to the punchline of the narrative. Story really flows.

    Excellent, Sandra. Five out of five cardigans (compliments of the sheep).


  29. Amy Reese says:

    What a great capture! Great story weaving as always, Sandra. So glad you’re okay, too. I felt so much better after reading your note. x


  30. Good story, Sandra. Thanks again for the great picture. I thought I remembered it was taken by you in France. Thanks for verifying that. Good writing as always. 🙂 — Suzanne


  31. Pingback: The Lambing Barn | MJL Stories

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