No Fixer Upper – Friday Fictioneers, October 2018

Copyright Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

It wasn’t easy, keeping the inner and outer skins together.

When the cracks appeared, we’d try to patch them together, shore up the damage.  Sometimes it worked, other times not, and in a certain light, at certain times…  yeah, it appeared almost ugly.

One day, after a prolonged spell of frighteningly stormy weather, we rocked up to find there was only a stark shell of the past remaining.

We poked through the ruins, talked each other up, considered rebuilding, but we soon realized there wasn’t enough left even for the foundations.

No shame, no blame.

No preventative maintenance either.

Late for the Friday Fictioneer feast, for me anyway.  Our illustrious leader, Rochelle Wisoff Fields is however, always perfectly on time.  Thank you, Rochelle.  


About Sandra

I used to cruise the French waterways with my husband four or five months a year, and wrote fiction and poetry. Now I live on the beautiful Dorset coast, enjoying the luxury of being able to have a cat, cultivating an extensive garden and getting involved in the community. I still write fiction, but only when the spirit moves me - which isn't as often as before. I love animals, F1 motor racing, French bread and my husband, though not necessarily in that order.
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45 Responses to No Fixer Upper – Friday Fictioneers, October 2018

  1. Dale says:

    Beautifully written, Sandra.
    Sometimes, you just have to let it go…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. neilmacdon says:

    It takes a lot of work to keep the past pinned to the present. Nicely observed, Sandra


  3. Anita says:

    True story for many, Sandra.
    No quick-fixes here.
    When we run out of building-material, what else can we use to build?


  4. michael1148humphris says:

    Completely broken relationships can rarely be rekindled. I very much liked your slant on the prompt


  5. Building as metaphor for a marriage. Gorgeous.


  6. Dear Sandra,

    I love where the prompt took you. Some relationships can never be mended. Nothing to say or do, simply walk away. As always, beautifully written. A heart-breaker. Brava!




  7. Iain Kelly says:

    Nothing can save those crumbling foundations, no matter what they try. Lovely metaphor.


  8. ceayr says:

    Wonderful analogy for the end of a relationship.
    The last line made me reflect on perhaps too much.


  9. Prior... says:

    you really showed us process and how some things are churned

    and re: “there wasn’t enough left even for the foundation…”
    maybe on to something else…


  10. Perfect metaphor for a sad reality


  11. Sometimes there is nothing left… you cannot patch if up if the foundation is crumbling.


  12. granonine says:

    This could be a metaphor for a relationship. Sometimes, there’s just nothing left upon which to rebuild.


  13. JS Brand says:

    Very cleverly done, Sandra. Funnily enough, I photographed some dilapidated static caravans on a collapsing section of the east coast today, thinking they might be a useful prompt for stories about fixer-uppers. My story ideas were much more pedestrian and literal than the one you’ve posted here. Lovely writing as always.


  14. plaridel says:

    i could imagine them heaving a sigh of relief. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Abhijit Ray says:

    It is true many a time inner and outer do not come along. We polish the outer, insider remains ugly. We mend the inner, outside fall apart. Story of life.


  16. draliman says:

    Great metaphor. Sometime we have to just realise that it’s time to let it go.


  17. jillyfunnell says:

    A subtle and masterful piece of writing about the struggle and the letting go. Wonderful.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. pennygadd51 says:

    Excellent story, beautifully written as always. You give us what at first sight is a very literal take on the prompt, but on closer examination we find that it isn’t that at all.


  19. StuHN says:

    Nicely done. And the walls came tumbling down.


  20. subroto says:

    Nicely done. A very nuanced look at relationships and a terrific last line.


  21. 4963andypop says:

    Timely piece. It seems nothing can withstand the destructive force of a determined storm. Nice take on the prompt. I can see it crumbling away, despite their best efforts.


  22. It is always difficult to know when to attempt a repair and when it is wisest to let go. Great piece.


  23. A sad take on the picture but its true and happens all around. Good stuff


  24. You’ve written this so well. All relationships take work, but what happens when the foundation goes? Excellent.


  25. Alice Audrey says:

    It’s so much easier to shore up a wall that isn’t ugly.


  26. Beautiful tale Sandra. It’s definitely healthier to let go than try endless repairs at times, but the heart doesn’t always listen to logic.


  27. Liz Young says:

    Brilliant analogy. Pity not everyone can walk away from their mistakes like this.


  28. There are times when you just have to let things go – no amount of effort, time and money can patch things up.


  29. Jelli says:

    Every historian’s nightmare revealed! To see a historic landmark destroyed by Mother Nature, or worse… human stupidity. So sad, so very sad.


  30. Often, it’s the past that keeps couples together, but when “there was only a stark shell of the past remaining,” the underpinning has been ripped away and the relationship is over. Very sad tale but written so well, Sandra.


  31. lisarey1990 says:

    Really beautiful!


  32. Sad when this happens. Beautifully described though. 🙂


  33. magarisa says:

    When there’s nothing left for the foundations, it’s time to walk away. An apt metaphor.


  34. i b arora says:

    that’s how things and relations wither away, nicely told.


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