Carpe Diem – Friday Fictioneers, December 2020

Copyright Trish Nankivell

On first awakening, there’s often a brief hiatus as the jigsaw of her life prepares to fall into place.

This default state can be a haven of peace; more frequently an ocean of despair.

Whichever, it’s inevitably short-lived.

Very quickly the old grey matter grinds into gear, evaluating what is good and what is not, informing her moods and emotions for the day, scheduling her actions.

Today she rises and starts packing a bag.

This is a window of opportunity; it must be seized without delay.

By the time he realises he shouldn’t have gone, she will be…

…well gone.

Just when you think the Covid situation might get a little better… it gets a whole lot worse.  We can do this.  It’s just that we’re totally fed up with doing it.  Thanks for the light relief afforded by Friday Fictioneers each week under Rochelle’s leadership.  And a Merry Christmas to all!  🙂

About Sandra

I used to cruise the French waterways with my husband four or five months a year, and wrote fiction and poetry. Now I live on the beautiful Dorset coast, enjoying the luxury of being able to have a cat, cultivating an extensive garden and getting involved in the community. I still write fiction, but only when the spirit moves me - which isn't as often as before. I love animals, F1 motor racing, French bread and my husband, though not necessarily in that order.
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22 Responses to Carpe Diem – Friday Fictioneers, December 2020

  1. ceayr says:

    ‘the jigsaw of her life’ – I wish I’d written that!
    A lovely little anecdote with your usual deftness of touch and delightful turn of phrase.
    Happy hols, Sandra

    Liked by 1 person

  2. neilmacdon says:

    I hope she makes it. The dfault state may prevent that


  3. Susan Eames says:

    Love how you’ve created so much story here!

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos


  4. Dear Sandra,

    It sounds like she’s doing well to get out of a bad situation. Well written as always,

    Shalom and a Happy Christmas to you,



  5. Iain Kelly says:

    Merry Christmas Sandra. I wish we could all escape from this pandemic. Sounds like she has been planning to seize this day for a while. Good luck to her.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. trishsplace says:

    Lovely writing. Merry Christmas Sandra, hope you’re somewhere safe.


  7. I wonder where she’s going 🤔.

    You perfectly summed the first few seconds of the day with your first line.


  8. Dale says:

    Oh! I love that “jigsaw of her life”! So wish wonderful evocative phrases like that would come to me. Sigh. At least I get to read them from such wonderful writers as you.
    And yes. May she be gone, happily, before he realises.
    A very Merry Christmas to you and yours!


  9. granonine says:

    Good on her. And merry Christmas to you 🙂


  10. A new start, hopefully. Here’s to happier New Year and a joyful Christmas along the way.


  11. liz young says:

    Sounds like she’s doing the right thing – let’s hope she gets far enough away.


  12. msjadeli says:

    Sometimes when a line is crossed, there is no other choice. Good one.


  13. pennygadd51 says:

    I like your double use of gone in the last sentence. This tale intrigues me. She could be escaping abuse; or she may usually need care, and be ‘escaping’ from her carer


  14. I love the first two lines, and hope her day turns out to be the way she hopes. It sounds like she needs a fresh start, as do we all. My morning begins with a reminder (or wish), “This too shall pass!” I hope you have a peaceful holiday, Sandra.


  15. You have such a polished storytelling ability, Sandra. Love the line, “the old grey matter grinding into place.” Stay safe and merry Christmas!


  16. Dear Sandra, sometimes it is good to be ‘gone’ … Very nicely done!
    And … yes, we can beat this. We can each do all we can, and together we’ll beat back the tide. Enough had died.
    Meanwhile, take good care and Merry Christmas to you!


  17. Love the turn of phrases. Extraordinary telling of the ordinary things of life. Happy holidays to you too 🙂


  18. I had the impression of an elderly woman with dementia who may be confused about where she is? If so, I hope that they can find her before she is gone. She seems one determined lady!


  19. bearmkwa says:

    Good one. It was me in the morning until the baggage. 🙂 Loved it.


  20. Michael says:

    I liked your use of prompt as I felt the emotion,


  21. draliman says:

    A small window of opportunity to start anew. Good luck to her!


  22. The way you’ve laid those words out Sandra, just so poetic. And a lovey surprise ending. Loved it.


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