An Administrative Error – Friday Fictioneers, January 2021

Copyright Marie Gail Stratford

As a medic, Bill couldn’t accept he wasn’t a suitable donor for his son; he’d gone straight into the records for more information.

If he and Ellie are still together, and that looks doubtful, it’s only because of the baby… the child the tests proved wasn’t his.

Then when Ellie was tested, the enormity of what had happened became clear.

I call them in from the waiting-room.

I have to tell them the only hope of saving this child rests with some other couple.

The ones to whom our nursing staff handed Bill and Ellie’s healthy son 3 years ago.

The last Friday Fictioneers outing of January 2021.  Spring is getting closer, and hopefully better times.  Thanks to Rochelle, the leader of Friday Fictioneers, a constant throughout the last 12 difficult months. 

About Sandra

I used to cruise the French waterways with my husband four or five months a year, and wrote fiction and poetry. Now I live on the beautiful Dorset coast, enjoying the luxury of being able to have a cat, cultivating an extensive garden and getting involved in the community. I still write fiction, but only when the spirit moves me - which isn't as often as before. I love animals, F1 motor racing, French bread and my husband, though not necessarily in that order.
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54 Responses to An Administrative Error – Friday Fictioneers, January 2021

  1. So well-crafted, even though I must admit, I did see it coming. This would be such a horrible situation for both sets of parents.


  2. ceayr says:

    On the bright side, Ellie wasn’t naughty.
    On the dark side, aaarrrggghhh!


  3. Iain Kelly says:

    That’s one hell of an administrative error! I hope they can find a donor, but I sense a lawsuit and a few investigations and committees are about to follow.


  4. Tannille says:

    This has happened before. Probably happens more often than we think. A real life nightmare.


  5. Dear Sandra,

    Touching tale. It’s sad when a child is the only thing keeping a couple together. Surprising ending. Well written as always.




  6. Good story. Not really a changeling… more like a mistakeling.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Bear says:

    Oh, what a scary situation you’ve written. How many times does this happen.. that’s an even scarier thought.


  8. elmowrites says:

    I’m sure it’s happened. The other couple probably has no idea. It took me a moment to figure out whose head we were in to tell this story, but I got there in the end.


  9. I wonder how many times this has happened but never come to light. An awful situation for all involved.


  10. Liz Young says:

    Great twist. Baby swap has happened in real life too, but could any parents decide to swap back after loving a child for three years?


  11. msjadeli says:

    o.m.g. A parents’ worst nightmare x 2. Wrong child and one they can’t save 😦


  12. Dale says:

    Such a sad story all around… Wonderfully penned, however.


  13. How sad to have the discovery!


  14. Oh boy … And yet, we know that it had happened … and perhaps still does, sometimes …


  15. oneta hayes says:

    Heartbreak ahead.


  16. Dora says:

    You’ve pulled at our heartstrings, Sandra. Grief at the years shared and lost, and joy at the reunion ahead: what a roller-coaster ride lies ahead for both couples. *sigh*


  17. plaridel says:

    sadly, it happens when some folks want to play god.


  18. Wow! what a story, what an administrative abomination. Well done that was excellent


  19. michael says:

    I did not expect this tale of disaster.well done


  20. draliman says:

    Oh boy. I sometimes wonder – when an error like this is discovered, what exactly do you do? Who gets whom?


  21. James McEwan says:

    Talk about getting the carpet pulled from under your feet. What a terrible dilemma: will the boy die without treatment? Will the real parents if found accept responsibility? Where is their own baby? Will his shaky relationship end? I could go on.
    A great, although sad story.


  22. Based on their accuracy rate, it’s possible the child isn’t sick at all.


  23. ahtdoucette says:

    Oh no! What a vicious, vicious mistake. Well told.


  24. Nobbinmaug says:

    All babies look alike. What’s the difference? Homebirth suddenly looks mighty appealing.


  25. I like the way you build up the mounting sense of hopelessness, , so that the finale is the sadly expected..


  26. This must really tear them up inside when they find out, they’d be so attached to their son whom they raised and yet know their real son is a stranger.


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