Clean Break – Friday Fictioneers, May 2021

Copyright Ted Strutz

It’s a good-natured split; why wouldn’t it be?  They practically grew up together.

“You sure you’re okay with the Le Creuset set?” she says, doubtfully.  “If you like I’ll swap it for the slow-cooker.”

“I’m good,” he says.  “I’ve more time to cook than you.”

She eyes the empty living room.

“It was fun, wasn’t it?  Most of the time, I mean.”

“The best,” he says, briefly touching her cheek.

He turns off the air-conditioning.

“Don’t be a stranger then,” she says, standing in the doorway.

“Nor you.”

Though they both know that ship already sailed.

Way back.

Thanks to Rochelle for leading the Friday Fictioneers once again. Click on the link to see how it works, and click on the froggie to post your entry. You’re more than welcome.

About Sandra

I used to cruise the French waterways with my husband four or five months a year, and wrote fiction and poetry. Now I live on the beautiful Dorset coast, enjoying the luxury of being able to have a cat, cultivating an extensive garden and getting involved in the community. I still write fiction, but only when the spirit moves me - which isn't as often as before. I love animals, F1 motor racing, French bread and my husband, though not necessarily in that order.
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48 Responses to Clean Break – Friday Fictioneers, May 2021

  1. neilmacdon says:

    Lovely, Sandra. I hadn’t looked at this when I wrote mine. Honest


  2. michael1148humphris says:

    Cutting any home in two must be hard, but you wrote this with aplomb


  3. Dear Sandra,

    Sounds like an amicable split, if there is such a thing. Well done…as always.




  4. pennygadd51 says:

    Gentle. Wistful. You capture the awkwardness of parting, and yet you somehow show that this couple retain a closeness that means the awkwardness doesn’t matter. It’s a really lovely story, Sandra.


  5. Anita says:

    Touching story.
    Partings are never easy.
    Glad that they have such good equations.
    He looks pretty supportive. I am sure she’ll come back 🙂 But, that’s another story!


  6. Well at least the divorce was amicable. Good story.


  7. Iain Kelly says:

    A gentle and amicable ending, with just a hint of regret. Lovely, in a simple, sad way.


  8. Yes, a slice of life story very well written. You bring a melange of emotions, happy and sad here, Sandra.


  9. granonine says:

    Aw, this is just too sad! Broken marriage, broken friendship. This couple would have done better never to have said “I do.”


  10. msjadeli says:

    The best way to part is amenably. I’m glad you wrote a story with the best possible ending of a relationship. Nicely done.


  11. Totally believable dialogue – well done!


  12. jenne49 says:

    This is such a quiet and true observation of an amicable break up. It left me feeling sad. Sometimes things just come to an end. Wonderful writing.


  13. Comes to show that sometimes when one falls out of love, it does not have to mean one fell out of liking the other. Nicely done!


  14. Great take on the prompt. Solomon said to cut the house in half!


  15. Dale says:

    Awww… this feels like when my first husband and I split up. A friendly separation. They do happen,


  16. Dora says:

    So few words, as if all that had been said could neither be unsaid not repeated to any effect. I hope they can get on with their separate lives now.


  17. earthskyair says:

    Sad, but also nice that they could have a pleasant goodbye.


  18. James McEwan says:

    Time moves on. people move with the times. Such a true sentiment in this story.


  19. draliman says:

    Sad. Been there, done that…


  20. I can relate to this. My ex and I are far better friends now than when we were married, as I guess your couple will be. Nice one Sandra.


  21. GHLearner says:

    That’s lovely, Sandra, an no dead dogs in sight. This type of separation is so much more peaceful than the screaming and fighting kind, even though they won’t keep in touch much. They can remember their past fondly and not with anger that way.


  22. Maybe an amicable split because they tried to hang on until they knew it was finished. With both their ships having sailed, they could easily walk away. Lovely writing as always.


  23. plaridel says:

    i guess nothing lasts forever.


  24. I too saw a split in that photo prompt. You portray poignancy yet finality in your flash. Nicely done!


  25. Tannille says:

    Even civil break ups are hard. A brief instinct to hang on, but better judgement wins.


  26. athling2001 says:

    I can just see them splitting the house. “You get the guest room and I’ll get the kitchen!”


  27. Excellent writing. A real slice of life. Very well done!


  28. ahtdoucette says:

    Such a sweet, amicable breakup. If only they could all be like this. Well told.


  29. An optimistic take on separation, makes a nice change.


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