Breakfast with Tiffany – Friday Fictioneers, October 2021

Copyright Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Gilbert returns from the restroom to discover an empty place opposite his. 

She’s done a runner…

After the walk of shame back to his seat, avoiding curious glances from other customers, he attacks his overladen plate of bacon, eggs and sausages. 

I was punching above my weight, I knew that

Her modest portion of scrambled eggs remains untouched.

Waste not want not, I guess

Scraping it onto his plate, he bites into her wholemeal toast.

Bloody health freaks…

A shadow falls across the table.

Tiffany’s staring at her empty plate, clutching the ketchup she’s just brought from the counter.

Oh sh**!

The prompt this week comes from our own multi-talented Rochelle Wisoff-Fields, the leader of our friendly international group of Friday Fictioneers.

About Sandra

I used to cruise the French waterways with my husband four or five months a year, and wrote fiction and poetry. Now I live on the beautiful Dorset coast, enjoying the luxury of being able to have a cat, cultivating an extensive garden and getting involved in the community. I still write fiction, but only when the spirit moves me - which isn't as often as before. I love animals, F1 motor racing, French bread and my husband, though not necessarily in that order.
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43 Responses to Breakfast with Tiffany – Friday Fictioneers, October 2021

  1. Dear Sandra,

    OMG, he reminds me of someone I know. Talk about a major leap to conclusions! My guess this is the end of Gilbert and Tiffany as a couple. I laughed out loud.

    Shalom from your tardy faciilitator,


    Liked by 1 person

  2. neilmacdon says:

    An easy mistake to make. She’ll understand. Won’t she?


  3. Anita says:

    He is surely not her type.
    Not at all kind and considerate. Poor her!
    I guess she’ll take the ketchup home or order another toast, maybe?


  4. Ain Starlingsson says:

    Haha! Oh well…he managed to predict the future after all!…


    • Sandra says:

      Self fulfilling prophet, I think.
      I enjoyed your story ‘Before’. Very menacing and nicely paced with tension building superbly. It seems a bit more complicated now to comment on your website – I don’t remember it being that way previously and I have too many passwords floating around half-remembered, half-forgotten as it is. But I read it and have commented here. Thanks for reading mine.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. It took her a very long time to fetch that ketchup – or he’s a fast eater!


  6. GHLearner says:

    Oh no! Maybe he’ll be forgiven, if he explains. She did go out with him after all, so she might be interested enough.


  7. jenniesisler says:

    Haha! Love the twist! I think he’ll buy her another plate of eggs and all will be forgiven.


  8. michael1148humphris says:

    This made me smile, well done…


  9. Dale says:

    Haha! I definitely burst out laughing…
    Just how far was that ketchup anyway?


  10. Iain Kelly says:

    Haha! Loved this, and a very believable scenario too. Well done Sandra.


  11. Sue says:



  12. Well, I suppose if they do make it despite everything, it’ll be a good story to tell in the future! I just hope she has a sense of humour.


  13. Well, it’s a good test. If she accepts his apology and imperfections and understands he acted from (very) low self-esteem, and if he apologizes and waits patiently for her new breakfast to arrive, they perhaps have a future …


  14. Dora says:

    Honest mistake for someone so unsure of himself. Hope she gives him a chance! Funny story, Sandra, well told!


  15. James McEwan says:

    Loved the humour, but my he must be a fast eater. She’s lucky she found out soon or else she would be eaten out of her bank account.


  16. draliman says:

    Ha, poor chap! I’m guessing he’s been there before, hence jumping to conclusions 🙂


  17. Bill says:

    Next line, “Goodbye Gilbert.” (Unless Tiffany wants a long term project.)

    Well done, Sandra.


  18. granonine says:

    Wonderful! I had imagined she had perhaps gone to the ladies’ room, but this was even better–she was in plain sight, if only he had looked 🙂


  19. I’d love to know where the conversation went from there – if indeed it did! Nice one Sandra.


  20. plaridel says:

    uh-oh, what’s going to happen now? 🙂


  21. This is equally funny and sad at the same time. I can only imagine the awkward conversation that followed. Nice one, Sandra!


  22. msjadeli says:

    Rocky has seen better days and Adrienne is still alive. I feel bad for each of them in their own way. He needs to get healthy to build strength and confidence. She deserves a husband who won’t die of a coronary too soon. Good story, Sandra.


  23. pennygadd51 says:

    Oh, that raised a wry and painful smile! It’s so easy to make a foolish mistake like that, and there’s probably no way back. Beautifully done, Sandra.


  24. pennygadd51 says:

    Oh, and I meant to say I loved the description ‘walk of shame’ and the title is hilarious.


  25. ahtdoucette says:

    Awkward! I hope he can find some way to save face, but my imagination can’t quite stretch that far. That’s why patience is a virtue, I suppose. Too funny.


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