A Culinary Princess – Friday Fictioneers, May 2024

Photo copyright Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

“First time I’ve had an all-white meal,” he remarks, surveying the chicken, cauliflower and potatoes I’ve prepared.

Cheeky ******!

We eat in silence, though he shudders at each sip of wine.  Liebfraumilch, last week’s vintage.

There’s apple pie next, a leaden lump served with cream.  My Gran always said my hands were too hot to make pastry.  Which she later changed to “maybe just don’t cook at all, child”.

You think this is white, hon, wait’ll you see dessert.

“My Dad owns restaurants” he says, proudly.

I scrutinise him, fork hovering.

You know, in a good light he’s almost attractive.

Two parts of this are true – the white meal and the pastry comment. The rest is fiction, a la Friday Fictioneers under the guidance of Rochelle – many thanks.

About Sandra

I used to cruise the French waterways with my husband four or five months a year, and wrote fiction and poetry. Now I live on the beautiful Dorset coast, enjoying the luxury of being able to have a cat, cultivating an extensive garden and getting involved in the community. I still write fiction, but only when the spirit moves me - which isn't as often as before. I love animals, F1 motor racing, French bread and my husband, though not necessarily in that order.
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37 Responses to A Culinary Princess – Friday Fictioneers, May 2024

  1. neilmacdon says:

    The pressure cooker anger and the suppressed menace are palpable


  2. A man who can cook, runs a restaurant or could possibly inherit one is always a good catch 🙂


  3. Dear Sandra,

    “Last week’s vintage.” I love it. If this is a first date, it’s not off to a great start. If there’s another after this, he’s not in it for her cooking. 😉 Cute.




  4. Dale says:

    Hahahaha! I hate when I make a monotone meal (accidentally) and Liebfraumilch – who hasn’t had a nasty hangover from that one.

    I always say my hands are too hot for pie crust, too 😉

    Maybe, if he’s almost good looking and can cook.. she could keep him 🙂


  5. granonine says:

    I’m wondering if she was contemplating using that fork to give him a more interesting face 🙂


  6. MrBinks says:

    A brilliant, tense read. Love it!


  7. Haha! I can feel her heat clear across the pond. He’s an insipid waste of time.


  8. Sue says:

    ….fork hovering


  9. Awkward! She has some pros and cons to weigh up.


  10. msjadeli says:

    I like how she scrutinizes him with the fork hovering.


  11. CGraith says:

    A peculiar meal! Maybe they should go to one of his dad’s restaurants next time!


  12. Angela says:

    I’ve got a feeling this isn’t going to work out; the tension is palpable. Well done!


  13. James McEwan says:

    There is a saying; “the quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”

    Perhaps, the fork maybe useful through the stomach toward the heart. Only kidding, he needs to mind his manners.


  14. elmowrites says:

    Maybe next time he should cook. If there’s a next time. I’ve been known to make beige meals; anyone who says you eat first with your eyes hasn’t catered to kids!



  15. Margaret says:

    ‘Maybe just don’t cook at all, child.’ Haha!! She should have listened to that advice. Great interplay of dialogue and thoughts, and the closing sentence is just right. ‘Almost attractive’ is good enough, in this case. Restaurants!


  16. GHLearner says:

    I so love ‘last week’s Liebfraumilch’ – if he’s still interested after this meal and has parents with restaurants, I see a happy ending possible.


  17. LOL…I see the attraction!


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