Going Fishin’ (Friday Fictioneers, October 2013)

Copyright Doug McIlroy

In a bit of a rush for this week’s Friday Fictioneers.  We’ve got two thirds of the grandchildren contingent with us for half-term so I’ve not much time to think or evaluate my piece.  This is a very un-nanna like contribution, so thankfully they’re occupied on the other computer.  😉

“I’m not like that.”

“Yeah, right.”   She turned away.

“I don’t know why I’ve got this reputation, I’m an OK kind of guy.  I commit to people.”

“I’d heard you’d shag road-kill if it were still warm,” she snapped.

He spread his palms in mock indignation.  “One sheep… that’s all.”

The humour fell flat, and his shoulders slumped.

“Sorry, since my mother died I…..” he faltered, turning away.

“Oh I’m really sorry…” She caught his sleeve.  “Maybe just one drink then.”

Just a matter of finding the right bait, he thought, admiring her ass on the way to the door.

About Sandra

I used to cruise the French waterways with my husband four or five months a year, and wrote fiction and poetry. Now I live on the beautiful Dorset coast, enjoying the luxury of being able to have a cat, cultivating an extensive garden and getting involved in the community. I still write fiction, but only when the spirit moves me - which isn't as often as before. I love animals, F1 motor racing, French bread and my husband, though not necessarily in that order.
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94 Responses to Going Fishin’ (Friday Fictioneers, October 2013)

  1. Dear Sandra,

    Un-nanna like indeed. I have to stop laughing long enough to type. The last line has me rolling. Love it!




  2. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear Sandra,

    Oh, you’re very, very bad…and I love it. I’d ask where you get this from, but I’m afraid that if I knew it would shake my image of you to the foundations. (Not!)

    Going’ Fishin is going to be the catch of the week, I’m betting.




  3. atrm61 says:

    Ha!ha!Sandra,liked the twist in the end-so unexpected ,no wonder the poor woman did not think it seemed fishy;-)


  4. gingerpoetry says:

    uhh, that was really a bad one – and another English lesson 🙂 some of the words we´d never have learned in our English course 🙂 Bah, I hate this kind of men, and you “described” him so brilliantly with one last sentence. That is really “show don´t tell” , excellent!
    Liebe Grüße


  5. Adam Ickes says:

    So gullible. So sad. I can’t help but wonder. Was the sheep “joke” actually a joke? haha


  6. helenmidgley says:

    The sheep joke made me laugh out loud, I’m bad. That was fab 🙂


    • Sandra says:

      Whenever I hear anything that cracks me up Helen, I jot it down in a little notebook. This line was quite a number of years old, but you know what they say… Glad you liked it.


  7. No one shall manipulate people like that. Well-portrayed. An interesting write.


  8. MrBinks says:

    Love it, good work!


  9. Wanderer says:

    Wonderful take on the prompt as always, Sandra! You always remind me I take things too literally!


  10. Ye Pirate says:

    Absolutely…the right bait! True psychology there!


  11. Danny James says:

    Love the last line!



  12. elmowrites says:

    Loved the story if not the characters, Sandra. Un-nanna-like, but still a good one!


  13. kz says:

    why the smooth son of a…. lol 🙂 i agree with the Pirate, true psychology 🙂


  14. JKBradley says:

    Gone Fishin’!

    Enjoyed it!


  15. Ese' s Voice says:

    You have your way with words, Sandra, and definitely knowledge about how the human mind works! 🙂


  16. Players always have another angle as they keep their eye on the prize
    Un-nannalike indeed


  17. Linda Vernon says:

    Ooooh! That guy needs to end up in her father’s stew.


  18. DCTdesigns says:

    Naughty Nanna. I love it. She was quick but not quick enough to avoid this one’s snare.


  19. Road kill.. oh yeah. Reputation probably true


  20. So glad this is a fiction site, imagine you would have to live in a world where such guys are a reality 🙂


  21. Oh, what a player! Cute story! 🙂


  22. Oh Sandra, you are good! Very un-Nanna indeed, but all the better for it. 😉 I really look forward to your stories each week!


  23. Wish I could find me the right bait! Very funny, had me well fooled.


  24. mike olley says:

    Mr Manipulator indeed. I can see his life runs on a loop. That never ends well. Well-balanced story, Sandra.


  25. Oh you are a sceptic! Very well delivered tale. Sadly true of some…


  26. draliman says:

    I was just starting to feel sorry for him and then – boom! It’s chaps like that which give us guys a bad name 😉


  27. Hi Sandra,
    I think she might soon be warm road kill if she’s not careful. But who can blame him? Sheep can be very passionate. At least that’s what I heard. Agree with Doug. You’re very baaaad. Ron


  28. rgayer55 says:

    Ewe are baaaad! This a lovely story. I’m green with envy. 🙂


  29. Indira says:

    Nice, interesting and different take on the prompt Sandra. You are a witty and humorous Nanna.


  30. Helena Hann-Basquiat says:

    Nanna, why’s that man looking at the woman’s bum? Nanna? Nanna?
    This was very well done — such a manipulative character.


    • Sandra says:

      Thanks Helena; you reminded me of those little voices that punctuated their stay… “Nanasan…..?” (rising inflexion) And no statement would ensue until I’d corroborated my attention… 😉 Every ten minutes…


  31. She certainly fell for that hook, line and sinker. (Sorry) Great dialogue, Sandra.


  32. vbholmes says:

    Good one, Sandra–being surrounded by grandchildren must be inspirational (although, perhaps, that’s an inappropriate comment considering the subject matter). Enjoy them.


  33. Neatly done as always.
    Entertaining and true to life!


  34. elappleby says:

    Love it 🙂 Poor gullible woman. I’d have run away at the sheep joke!


  35. unspywriter says:

    There are so many great lines in this! 😉 Loved it.

    Here’s mine: http://unexpectedpaths.com/friday-fictioneers/lure-of-the-nishikigoi/


  36. wmqcolby says:

    Hee hee hee! What some guys try …! Big kick out of the last line. Thanks, Sandra. Good start to the weekend.


  37. Ooh, what a master manipulator. I love the dialogue. He’s one slimy character.


  38. Steve Lakey says:

    Great dialogue, great story!


  39. I hear MJ Smooth Operator in my head. Good story.


  40. Dee says:

    Oh I love this one. You naughty nanna!
    Loved the dialogue, provided some great imagery – we have lots of sheep here in Wales…


  41. Dee says:

    Sandra – I can’t ‘like’ for some reason – will pop back and try again later


  42. Sandra, oh, I like your take. He’s slimy just like a fish. Great believable dialog. I got a real sense of the level of his manipulation, pulling out the death card. For shame, for shame. I really enjoyed this! I, too, had to pull a quick one out with the kiddos’ festivities! I found it interesting how the kids’ presence brought out the un-nanna in you…ha ha!


  43. Clever story (Do I detect a touch of myself) and a good take on the prompt.


  44. CherryPickens says:

    A lovely take on the photo, and I find that I’ve got a wide grin to take to work. Thanks for sharing.


  45. H. Ken Abell says:

    I liked that you used the fishing metaphor for picking up women at bars… strangely, I think you’re the only person who went there….


  46. What a wicked, wicked fellow.
    Nicely done.


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