A Spirited Child – Friday Fictioneers, June 2015

Copyright Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

“She’ll wonder where we’ve gone… if she ever comes back… call me, please…”

Mrs Hoffman tearfully pressed the card into my hand.

Afterwards her husband took me aside.

“She’s overwrought… I’m sorry. It’s been ten years since Mandy disappeared; bit of a wild child… wrong crowd… usual story. The police gave up looking long ago.”

The Hoffman’s moving-van left, just as ours arrived.

Now I finger the card she gave me, as the chandeliers quiver, unseen feet pound the stairs and doors slam.

How can I tell her?

Her daughter was here all the time.

And now she’s seriously pissed off…


Happy to be amongst home comforts, still struggling to sort the computer but revelling in unlimited broadband, power showers and access to Marks & Spencer food and clothing seven days a week.  I’m a simple soul at heart… easily contented.  😉  Thanks to Rochelle for a photo that offers lots of scope, and for her tireless endeavours.  Here’s lookin’ at you Rochelle… oops, did I touch a nerve there?   

About Sandra

I used to cruise the French waterways with my husband four or five months a year, and wrote fiction and poetry. Now I live on the beautiful Dorset coast, enjoying the luxury of being able to have a cat, cultivating an extensive garden and getting involved in the community. I still write fiction, but only when the spirit moves me - which isn't as often as before. I love animals, F1 motor racing, French bread and my husband, though not necessarily in that order.
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106 Responses to A Spirited Child – Friday Fictioneers, June 2015

  1. AnElephant is unsure whether he should laugh or hide behind the settee.
    Great story.


  2. Excellently crafted ghost story and I especially like the title. Very fitting.


  3. micklively says:

    That’s an infestation to contend with. Should have paid for a proper survey!


  4. Dear Sandra,

    You should know that the place where I took the photo is reportedly haunted. A fitting story that’s well written with your usual grace and style.

    Glad you’re back in the arms of unlimited broadband. Here’s looking back at you…with one rather blurry eye. 😉




  5. Vinay Leo R. says:

    Wonder if her daughter will follow her, now that they’ve gone. Or still haunt the chandeliers…


  6. Anita says:

    Spooky story, Sandra.
    Nicely told!


  7. Ok, I’m scared. Squeeze up you lot behind the settee!

    Rosey Pinkerton’s blog

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Just popping in to comment on your excellent story and perfect use of title. Can’t stay long, too many spirits about. Enjoy your creature comforts, Sandra!



  9. Looks like the mother knew things the father didn’t. Either that or he was less sensitive to the spirit’s being presnet. Seems the house came with a little gift. Good ghost story, Sandra. 🙂 — Suzanne


  10. Completely in the spirit of the picture and your title. Excellent.

    Visit Keith’s Ramblings!


  11. Classic Sandra! Good work!


  12. ansumani says:

    You managed to spook and tickle with that twist at the end 🙂 Well done!


  13. As a mother I would be heart broken to know this. But she is obviously heartbroken already.


  14. Caerlynn Nash says:

    I think Mother needs to know her wild child just may have been tamed in her new “life.”
    Hauntingly done! 😉


  15. Francesca Smith says:

    Sinister story here. Very fitting for the picture.


  16. Ah.. some of them never really leave, do they.. an excellent story (and title)


  17. Do not stay in that house. Angry ghosts? Bad news. You do have to feel sorry for Mrs Hoffman. I bet it was Mr that did it.


  18. elmowrites says:

    Love the title, Sandra, ad all the story behind this one. I love these stories most when there are thousands of words just peaking out from behind the 100 we’re given and you are a master of that. I’m wondering whether the father knew more than he let on…


  19. Wonderful ghost story. Angry ghosts – I’m calling for the exorcist. Since it’s getting crowded behind the settee, I’ll wave as I run down the walkway to my car. Chills!


  20. storydivamg says:

    Fabulous ghost story, Sandra! Good work.

    All my best,


  21. Danny James says:

    Payback will be a real bitch.



  22. JED says:

    Eww, a chilling tale. Great job.


  23. hafong says:

    I love ghost stories!



  24. plaridel says:

    this is as good as it gets. 🙂


  25. Love it Sandra, fantastic take on the prompt ! 🙂


  26. Wow, this gave me goosebumps. Love it.


  27. subroto says:

    Spirited child indeed. I too wonder if the father knew more than he let on.


  28. k rawson says:

    Wow, love this story.


  29. My submission deals in a very different way with a haunting. Interesting. And I read from Rochelle’s comment that the photo was taken in a supposedly haunted house. Me thinks that our psychic abilities are on high alert…cue Twilight Zone music… 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Yikes. “Who ya gonna call?”


  31. Amy Reese says:

    I love the set up here and the spirited child described – bit of a wild child… wrong crowd… usual story. But not the usual outcome. You don’t want to piss off a spirited child ghost!


  32. wildbilbo says:

    The Chandelier seems to have encouraged all the ghosts to come out! nicely done.


  33. Spooky. Seems like she’s inherited a pissed off ghost.


  34. Very eerie and hauntingly good.


  35. I guess, like the mother in your story, not all of us are psychic. But just as well the new occupant is, so that when her home is tipped upside down by a poltergeist, she’ll know to call in the ghost busters!


  36. Liz Young says:

    Oo-er! Did she buy the house knowing it was haunted? Clever use of the word ‘spirited’.


  37. rgayer55 says:

    I think my Dad likes to mess with the young couples who rent the house he and Mom lived in. They’re always telling us about little peculiar incidents, not mean spirited, just spooky enough to keep them guessing.
    I went up there one day and told him to cut it out, but he told me when he was still alive that he wasn’t about to take orders from me, so I doubt my scolding did any good. Excellent piece, Sandra.


  38. Margaret says:

    I wouldn’t like to have such a spirit hauanting my house – a perpetually annoyed ‘wild child’ sounds really unpleasant. Clever story.


  39. Melanie says:

    Perhaps they can arrange to deed the house back to the original owners and find one a little less occupied.


  40. Welcome back to terra firma! I’ve thought about your computer a few times and cringed; still hoping you can work it all out.

    Wonderful story with a kicker of an ending– something you do so well. I expected an entirely other twist, but this one is so much sharper! Nice job, Sandra.


    • Sandra says:

      Thanks Dawn, glad you liked it. Yes the computer thing was a real bummer, but it’s taught me a lot. As long as I could save things and find them again, I never really took any notice of where they were located. That’s not the case now, and my dropbox, hard-drive and flash-drive are all in regular use. As well as the occasional complete transfer to my husband’s computer. 🙂


      • Bravo for you! I’ve purchased 2 external hard drives, recently– one for photos and one for everything else. They are so inexpensive now, and I’m learning what to do with it all. I use Time Machine regularly now too… ahhh, lessons learned!


  41. gahlearner says:

    I have a feeling that Mum knows… And Dad is in denial. Maybe a phone call is in order, there are other houses…. Great story.


  42. oooh, lovely! And open to such interpretation. How did she become the ghost? hmmmmm…..


  43. bykimberlylynne says:

    Creeped me out. I brought my own settee, thanks.
    As my son says, Mad skills, yo. (He’s a work in progress.)


  44. i b arora says:

    nice twist, i like it


  45. phylor says:

    Spooky story. I wonder how she became a spirit in that house? Do ghosts die one place and haunt another?
    Great story.


  46. draliman says:

    Great ghostly story! Maybe since the new owners can hear her, they can help her move on.


  47. Excellent take on the photo! I could feel the grief and hope from the mother. She definitely needs to know her daughter is looking for her.


  48. Jan Brown says:

    Nicely done. I wonder if she is buried within…..


  49. bobijobj says:

    I loved it – and then I looked back at the title – how appropriate! I think I would stay with this Spirited Child and work with her on her anger, before I would call her Mother! Speak kindly to her, since she must have been a Lonely Spirit even with Mom-n-Dad in residence!


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