When the Big Wheel Stops Turning – Friday Fictioneers, November 2020

Copyright Susan Eames


There’s time to reflect now… an outcome as unwelcome as it is unendurable.

Momentum lends impermeability – stuff happens, nothing sticks.

But inertia leaves him exposed – vulnerable to the actions, reactions and sensitivities of others, which is a minefield he’s spectacularly ill-equipped to navigate.

Resentments, long buried beneath the carpet, crawl out on a seemingly endless daily basis.  Tempers flare, tantrums ignite, leaving everyone exhausted.

When it’s over and he’s released into the wild again he will forget this interlude.

Unlike his family, each of whom is already making plans to ensure this never happens again.

One way or another.

The end is in sight… hopefully.  Our gym opens again next Thursday, as does my hairdresser.  Simple things, which for the moment represent the pinnacle of my aspirations.  Friday Fictioneers has been a constant throughout these difficult times, many thanks to Rochelle. Click on the frog if you’d like to join in.

About Sandra

I used to cruise the French waterways with my husband four or five months a year, and wrote fiction and poetry. Now I live on the beautiful Dorset coast, enjoying the luxury of being able to have a cat, cultivating an extensive garden and getting involved in the community. I still write fiction, but only when the spirit moves me - which isn't as often as before. I love animals, F1 motor racing, French bread and my husband, though not necessarily in that order.
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52 Responses to When the Big Wheel Stops Turning – Friday Fictioneers, November 2020

  1. neilmacdon says:

    They also wait who only stand and serve. Nicely done, Sandra


  2. ceayr says:

    Deep, dark and disturbing.
    Love it.


  3. Gosh! I hope they are not planning to bump his off 😦


  4. Iain Kelly says:

    We’ve all had too much time to sit and contemplate things this year. I find myself hoping he can keep his family on their toes for a few more years yet.


  5. Dear Sandra,

    He sounds volatile, if not dangerous. Much to contemplate these days, isn’t there? I know how much you’re anticipating both gym and hairdresser. I fear ours might be both shutting down again in the near future. I hope not. At any rate, before I forget to say so…well written as always.




  6. Beautifully expressed, Sandra.

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos


  7. Tannille says:

    Sounds like a nasty cycle… Very moody.
    Yay for the reopening.


  8. Anita says:

    This interlude shall be over.
    This too shall pass.


  9. Extremely moody. Very well done.


  10. granonine says:

    Meanwhile, here in the USA, they’re talking about locking down tighter than ever. For the good of our economy. Seriously, that’s the line we’re being fed.

    Your story is deeply disturbing, as you meant it to be. We don’t even need the backstory to know this probably won’t end well.


  11. A disturbing story well told.


  12. jwdwrites says:

    Well crafted as is your trademark, I don’t know what they are planning for him, but I hope it’s nothing more sinister than a retirement home! 😀


  13. That was definitely dark! But what the heck…a very good story, indeed.


  14. Oy vey, Sandra … Well done to set the mood for someone I’d rather very much avoid … 😉


    • Sandra says:

      Thanks for rading Na’ama. Sorry to be this late, I didn’t realise I’d not been through the responses. Been that kind of a week.

      Liked by 1 person

      • No worries, Sandra! I don’t always get to read everyone’s response to the prompts and though I like it when I do, I also know that sometimes life gets in the way. I don’t take it personally when people don’t read my posts – I figure everyone’s doing what they can as they can.
        ALWAYS happy, of course, when you do have the time to read and comment! 🙂 Na’ama


  15. pennygadd51 says:

    A very topical take on the prompt. Wonderful how you’ve captured the dynamic of the family – they sound as dysfunctional as he is. I suppose lock-down has been like that for some people.


  16. plaridel says:

    methinks, everybody’s exhausted about all the drama. it’s time to call spade a spade and move on.


  17. msjadeli says:

    Chronic stress brings out the worst in people. I understand he would want to forget it. I understand why his family wants to remember it. Good storytelling.


  18. Dale says:

    I love how you wrote this dark piece. Wonder just how they will ensure he no longer can wreak havoc…


  19. You take us through his thoughts and emotions brilliantly Sandra and leave us with the ominous thoughts of his family. Really well done


  20. draliman says:

    That sounds a bit ominous. “each of whom is already making plans” – I wonder which of them will get to him first?


  21. You have laid out the emotions so well Sandra. A dark yet enjoyable story.


  22. James McEwan says:

    It is amazing how over active people can become unbearable if they are trapped static for a while.
    Like a caged bird, I expect.


  23. Intriguing, and brooding. well told.


  24. A compelling read, Sandra, as always.
    It’s both thought-provoking and engaging. I could have read more, more, more.
    Be Safe
    Isadora 😎


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