Coming Out (Five Sentence Fiction, April 2012)

The one-word prompt I chose this week  from Five Sentence Fiction’s past prompts was ‘Armour’.  (or Armor)  🙂  I’d been just a bit to late to post it before the link closed last week.

Geoffrey tries not to think about his life before the transformation, though sometimes he remembers, with pain, the slow, depressing fusion of one grey month into another, with nothing to break the monotony of his daily grind.

But recently everything has changed for Geoffrey, and the whole world has opened up before him, allowing him to visit countries he’s never dreamed of, to meet friends from every corner of the world, and to talk with people who’ve experienced situations or events of which he could never have conceived in his earlier life.

He’s become supremely comfortable, almost cavalier, in his relationships with the opposite sex, and there have been more girlfriends in the last few months than he could ever have contemplated, sometimes several at the same time, and one or two of them, like Amanda, securing a special place in his heart for a while.

But now he gazes sadly at Amanda’s message on the screen before him, eleven words that herald the death of yet another deeply fulfilling, enthralling and at times passionate relationship.

“I’m dying to meet you face to face, how about it?”

About Sandra

I used to cruise the French waterways with my husband four or five months a year, and wrote fiction and poetry. Now I live on the beautiful Dorset coast, enjoying the luxury of being able to have a cat, cultivating an extensive garden and getting involved in the community. I still write fiction, but only when the spirit moves me - which isn't as often as before. I love animals, F1 motor racing, French bread and my husband, though not necessarily in that order.
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19 Responses to Coming Out (Five Sentence Fiction, April 2012)

  1. Ooooh, ouch. What a fantastic ending and so apropos to the modern fixation with anonymous social media.


  2. Wow and I also ditto all of Cara’s comments too.


  3. Sandra says:

    Thanks for commenting Jo-Anne. 🙂


  4. tatergirl60 says:

    Wonderfully descriptive, and supremely sad that his world revolves around the internet instead of interconnecting with real life. The ending was a surprise – I was thinking he had really turned his life around only to find that nothing has really changed. He is still trapped.


  5. Jennifer Worrell says:

    Ahhh–modern love! Great snapshot!


  6. jeanelaine says:

    Oooh, you have good insight into the younger crowd. Good stuff.


  7. stephanie says:

    Great descriptive words used in this piece! I loved the ending and I have known a few people who have been in the “online” dating world…..Doesn’t always turn out the way you want it to!


  8. Claire says:

    So creative, and I was totally not expecting the ending! Wonderful idea, and the way you withheld that vital piece of information is great! Awesome take on the prompt!


  9. Sandra says:

    Thank you Claire. Glad you liked it.


  10. Rain says:

    Haha, brilliant ending. It casts the whole story, as well as the word choice, into a new light. This was a very enjoyable read.

    / Rain


  11. This is really fantastic!!! Such an awesome portrayal 🙂


  12. Sandra says:

    Thanks for dropping by Lillie, glad you liked it.


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