What Goes Around … (Friday Fictioneers, September 2012)

This week’s photo prompt on Madison Woods Friday Fictioneers came courtesy of Rochelle Wisoff-Fields.  (I’m on a limited and woefully intermittent internet connection this week, but will try to get to as many other submissions as possible.)

Felix extended one hind leg skywards, languidly grooming his already pristine posterior, and glancing occasionally at his mistress.

It was her own fault, he reflected, she’d a cruel streak in her.

Fair enough, I play with them, but I’ve never pulled the legs off them or flushed them down the toilet.  Now look what they’’ve done to her.

The silken cocoon in the corner stirred, and amidst the sticky skeins he glimpsed her wildly rolling blue eyes.

Felix leapt quietly from the sofa, and strolled towards the cat flap.

Shame, he thought regretfully, but probably time to move on now.

About Sandra

I used to cruise the French waterways with my husband four or five months a year, and wrote fiction and poetry. Now I live on the beautiful Dorset coast, enjoying the luxury of being able to have a cat, cultivating an extensive garden and getting involved in the community. I still write fiction, but only when the spirit moves me - which isn't as often as before. I love animals, F1 motor racing, French bread and my husband, though not necessarily in that order.
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37 Responses to What Goes Around … (Friday Fictioneers, September 2012)

  1. Now there’s one about being caught in the web. Creeeeeeeeepy. A good write. BTW…No “e” in Wisoff 😉


  2. The Dude says:

    That’s Karma for you! Nice story.


  3. Parul says:

    Whoa! Loved this!
    Awesome writing style too! Good work!


  4. writelindy says:

    Sandra this was one of my favourites of yours. Love the images.


  5. unspywriter says:

    Ah, yes, people who are cruel to critters should get their comeuppance. And a great choice for POV. I can imagine the cat watching dispassionately while the spiders did their work. Nice job.

    Here’s mine: http://unexpectedpaths.com/friday-fictioneers/tangled-webs/


  6. elmowrites says:

    Ooh, Felix, so heartless. Although like you say, what goes around… My cats get very upset when I rescue their prey and put it outside, but I hope they’d be a bit more upset to see me in that position!
    Great humour with a touch of dread, Sandra.


  7. TheOthers1 says:

    Oh goodness. What goes around, comes around? That’ll learn someone quick. Nicely done.

    My linky: https://unduecreativity.wordpress.com/2012/09/13/itsy-bitsy/


  8. Trudy says:

    This is wonderful, creepy, but also very, very funny!


  9. Russell says:

    this is why we have a dog instead of a cat.


  10. I will never sleep again. It’s like the best of The Twilight Zone this week! Criminy!


  11. Mike says:

    A great story Sandra.
    Just shows it doesn’t do to be cruel to spiders.
    I loved the pragmatic cat – “Shame, he thought regretfully, but probably time to move on now.”


  12. Anne Orchard says:

    What a very practical cat. Makes me exremely glad that I’m kind to spiders – and that flies can’t spin webs. Excellent story!


  13. vbholmes says:

    Really like “Felix extended one hind leg skywards, languidly grooming his already pristine posterior, and glancing occasionally at his mistress.” Wonderful descriptions of cat’s detachment–taken from life?


  14. Adam Ickes says:

    I think this just proves dogs are better than cats. Dogs know what loyalty is. Cats are all about what’s best for them.


  15. Judee says:

    Brilliant, as usual, and of course, high on the creep factor. I love how you bring us right into Felix’s pov with such a typically cat-like grooming ritual. His aloofness is a perfect counterpoint to the horror of the situation. I’ve missed reading you!


  16. Beautifully done! The only insects my cat likes to play with are cockroaches and I shudder to think if he left me to them..


  17. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear Sandra,

    The placid way in which the cat views the entire scene (probably time to move on) was so perfect and what a contrast to the wildly rolling blue eyes of the mistress.

    You are incredible.




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