Conversation for Strings in D Minor (Friday Fictioneers, January 2013)

This week’s photo prompt for Friday Fictioneers comes courtesy of Roger Cohen.  I’ll be the first to admit I know nothing about musical instruments…

“Could you back up a bit, your fingerboard’s rubbing against mine.”

“Oh, sorry,  didn’t see you there.”

“Didn’t see me?  Your end pin practically skewered me when you got in.”

“My, who got out the wrong side of the orchestra pit this evening?”

“At least I played the correct notes throughout the performance.”

“Right notes? You wouldn’t know a right note if it smacked you in the f-hole.”

“You forget I was once played by Pablo Cassals.”

“Yeah once, I see why.”

“Just remember Jacqueline du Pre, hon.”

“You said you wouldn’t bring that up again…”



“I said g’night sweetheart?”

About Sandra

I used to cruise the French waterways with my husband four or five months a year, and wrote fiction and poetry. Now I live on the beautiful Dorset coast, enjoying the luxury of being able to have a cat, cultivating an extensive garden and getting involved in the community. I still write fiction, but only when the spirit moves me - which isn't as often as before. I love animals, F1 motor racing, French bread and my husband, though not necessarily in that order.
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102 Responses to Conversation for Strings in D Minor (Friday Fictioneers, January 2013)

  1. Very cute, Sandra. I smiled reading this!


  2. gailkav says:

    Nicely done.I like the references,especially Jaqueline Du Pre.


  3. Clever dialogue, Sandra. I love your title.


  4. rich says:

    “once, i see why.” great comic timing. well done.


  5. kz says:

    haha this is hilarious, i love it ^^ very original too!


  6. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear Sandra,

    Love your dialog, especially the f-hole. Off to find out who Jacqueline du Pre was. Thanks in advance.




  7. Yeah, a very creative take on the prompt. Lovely!!!


  8. Abraham says:

    Very good dialogue. Clever title.


  9. claireful says:

    Fantastic dialogue. I really want to know what happened with Jacqueline…


  10. sue Cottrill says:

    hehehehheee love this one


  11. A very instrumental look into the secret lives of the string section. 🙂


  12. Hi Sandra,
    I have to confess ignorance. Had to reserach du Pre to completely understand the story, but I learned some new stuff and the story became very clear and I think I have a new movie to watch. Very clever to write from the POV of the instruments. A commanding performance. Ron


  13. Sarah Ann says:

    Fantastic dialogue, a great title and a great laugh. Thanks, Sandra, for setting the bar so high.


  14. Great dialog! It does look as if they’re a little cramped having to squeeze in there together, doesn’t it?


  15. Perfect pitch with this story, Sandra. We’re all so full of musical puns and this picture is bringing out so many wonderful stories.



  16. muZer says:

    I love their banter.. Such a cute conversational story 🙂 Enjoyed reading.


  17. wmqcolby says:

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Sandra, you always deliver. Excellent! You have a knack for characters. They’re terrific!


  18. Tom Poet says:

    I am with Doug on the F-hole line….great dialogue. I also loved the silence at that end followed by I said g’night dear! Good stuff!



  19. nightlake says:

    this was fun reading:) Thank you


  20. writeondude says:

    Nicely done. Very enjoyable.


    • Sandra says:

      Thanks Pete. Liked your BCF submission – which software did you use to download your template?


      • writeondude says:

        I sometimes create simple websites, so the graphics software that I’ve always used for that is PaintShop Pro (poorman’s Photoshop). Using PSP gives a lot more flexibility than using just Word. I think you might be able to create some business cards with images in Word, but it’s a lot harder. So if you’re feeling brave, have a technical inclination, and are willing to spend a few hours learning a new skill, the current version is ‘Corel PaintShop Pro X5’ on Amazon for £43.82


        • Sandra says:

          Ah! I used to use PSP a long time ago just for doctoring photos, but now use the simpler facility in Picasa. I did my BCF entry by using a word template; it took forever (but that was probably just me!) and the end results are not good. Thanks for the info.


      • writeondude says:

        P.S. There are older, perfectly good versions of PSP on Ebay for less than a tenner.


      • writeondude says:

        When I first started, GIMP didn’t exist. But I’ve just had a quick look at it, and it seems to do everything I need. So I might be tempted to use that. Probably worth buying one of the books about how to use it and working through it.

        BCF has only just started, but I’m looking forward to seeing how people approach the mixed-media idea as time goes by.


        • Sandra says:

          I’m torn between spending time writing and spending time perfecting the presentation. I’ve downloaded it so when I get some time I’ll give it a go. I noticed BCF said they were developing their own on-line template so I probably won’t make Gimp a priority just yet.


  21. Very funny dialogue, and I like the personalities you’ve given these two guys. First it was dueling banjos, now we’ve got dueling cellos!


  22. Love the dialogue. Very clever


  23. unspywriter says:

    Yes, I thought they were cellos, too, and this is great!

    Here’s mine:


  24. Debra Kristi says:

    Very fun. Had me smiling the whole way through. Remindeds me of a pair of grumpy old men. 😀


  25. Anne Orchard says:

    Lots of fun Sandra, I take it that’s nothing like your conversations with your husband on the boat! Thanks for the laughs.


  26. Jan Brown says:

    Very clever, and made me laugh. Well done!


  27. rgayer55 says:

    Well done, Sandra. I believe I’m playing 2nd fiddle in the humor genre this week.


  28. Hayley says:

    This is cute! Love it!!


  29. elmowrites says:

    heehee, Sandra. A cute story with well-drawn characters.


  30. KC says:

    *giggles* You write dialogue very well…and extremely amusingly. If that’s a word. If it’s not it should be. The picture of the “couple” squeezing into the tight space for the hundred and tenth time will stick in my head for a long time. Thanks!



  31. kingsleycw13 says:

    That Du Pre incident – again? Will it never rest…? 🙂


  32. What a brilliant arguement, perfectly positioned to be human as well as intrument. Loved it and you made me laugh a lot 🙂


  33. brudberg says:

    Very good, especially the f hole 🙂


  34. Taking on the character of their players, I presume.


  35. “Yeah once, I see why.” Haha that’s funny.


  36. funny… my honeymoon couple in a few years from now


  37. I laughed and laughed, Sandra. I love the references to the keys in their conversation and the mention of famous musicians. Everyone is so clever this week!


  38. deanabo says:

    Love it! well done.


  39. lots of humor this week and yours is fantastic. great story.


  40. EmmaMc says:

    I love this! What a creative take.


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