A Man of Conviction – Friday Fictioneers, October 2015

Copyright Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Copyright Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Convictions are strange things.

In the shadows of reclusivity, fanned by the fervour of fellow zealots, they’d ignited into a blaze of enlightenment and moral justification.

But tonight the winds of opposition are causing the flames to flicker; wider intellectual debate is dampening the embers, and showers of derision threaten to extinguish them altogether.

People drift out onto the car-park, muttering disillusionment.

“Wait,” he cries from the platform, “I’m a man of conviction…”

“You’re supposed to be a politician…” says his deputy.

“But I have these convictions…”

His team shuffle awkwardly.

“Do you,” says the deputy, “have any others that might suit better?”

This website is a politics-free zone; the story is inspired solely by Rochelle’s photo prompt.   😉    Hope everyone is well and raring to take part in this week’s Friday Fictioneers get-together.  After rigorous ducking and weaving,  I’ve finally succumbed to the cold virus that has cocooned my husband for six days now.  Inevitable I suppose, but I really thought I was going to get away with it after this long.   😦

About Sandra

I used to cruise the French waterways with my husband four or five months a year, and wrote fiction and poetry. Now I live on the beautiful Dorset coast, enjoying the luxury of being able to have a cat, cultivating an extensive garden and getting involved in the community. I still write fiction, but only when the spirit moves me - which isn't as often as before. I love animals, F1 motor racing, French bread and my husband, though not necessarily in that order.
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71 Responses to A Man of Conviction – Friday Fictioneers, October 2015

  1. Very clever – and very true. I hope you feel better soon Sandra.


  2. Dear Sandra,

    Your cold hasn’t effected your ability to write, although I’m sorry to hear you’re un-well. It says a lot when there’s a divide between a politician and a man of conviction. That’s a universal problem, isn’t it? Well done as always. Take care of yourself.




    • Sandra says:

      Thanks Rochelle. Digging in for the long haul here, if my husband’s progress is anything to go by. Eight days and counting. And believe me, I’ve counted everyone of them… 😦


  3. micklively says:

    Is a ex-con a man of conviction too?
    Good piece.


  4. Crowds are fickle things. Here today gone tomorrow back on Tuesday. We blame the politicians but really it is we the crowd who insist on the process.


  5. Convinced politician is an oxymoron, isn’t it? 🙂 Glad they all drifted away 🙂


  6. Tony says:



  7. Graham Lawrence says:

    Ha! A lovely gritty story and so true of many politicians …


  8. ceayr says:

    Aha, fantasy fiction!
    Now I get it.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I think a politicians conviction is a suit to suit the populace.. 🙂 brilliantly told, hope the cold won’t affect you too bad.


  10. paulmclem says:

    You have my sympathy regarding the cold. Went to London to see David Gilmour at the Royal Albert Hall 3 weeks ago, came back with a cold and I’m still having the odd sniffle. Enjoyed the story!


  11. Apparently your conviction not to succumb to the virus wasn’t strong enough. This is a timely piece whilst the U.S. non-presidential debates are going on and on and on and no one is saying anything.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. elmowrites says:

    Sorry to hear about the cold, but I’m glad it hasn’t effected your writing ability! No sure whether I like the man or not, but I loved your telling of his story, an the last line is just perfect.


  13. plaridel says:

    excellent piece as always. if you’re unwell, i hope you feel better soon.


  14. ansumani says:

    Maybe it’s time for a woman of conviction to enter the stage 🙂 Nice one.


  15. I’m with Tracey – this so reminded me of what’s happening (or not) here in the US. Wonderful take on the prompt. Love the way you used the “stormy” words for descriptions.


  16. Reminds me of the movie “The Candidate”, an early Robert Redford movie. As I recall, he was a man of convictions, but by the time the political machine of his party got done, he was a politician. Too bad there are so few who are both.

    Lovely story. Not so lovely to hear you succumbed. I’m finally feeling mostly better but still a bit tired. Get well quickly!



  17. Dale says:

    Am now hearing about your cold and my own head is filled with congestion. I feel your pain, Sandra. And yet, you managed to write another great one!


  18. An excellent and pertinent story. Beautifully narrated — I love this line: “People drift out onto the car-park, muttering disillusionment.”
    Reminds me of that W.B. Yeats line in “The Second Coming”: “The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.”


  19. Hmmm. Most topical, in the UK at least. Well done.


  20. k rawson says:

    Well done on the prompt. I hope you’re feeling better!


  21. charlypriest says:

    Politics and convictions….don´t go hand in hand, unfortunately. Great story, plus it wasn´t political since you didn´t name a particular party.


  22. mjlstories says:

    Convictions indeed are odd things. They are worthless if formed in a vacuum, but on the other hand to change one’s mind too easily, be swayed by popular opinion isn’t a good thing either. Interesting piece.
    Hope you’re feeling better.


  23. Oliana says:

    Great story spot on for our weekend here in Canada, we have election on Monday. Sending you virtual hugs and chicken broth and hot ginger, honey and lemon. Be well soon!


  24. hafong says:

    We are in an election here in Canada right now. I wish our politicians have conviction!



  25. gahlearner says:

    Enlightened politicians? What’s the world coming to? Amazing take, and I hope you get better soon.


  26. storydivamg says:

    A timely story, Sandra.

    Sorry to hear you’re under the weather. Perk up soon.

    All my best,


  27. I hate when a cold waits so ling to pounce. It’s as if it is saying “When you least expect it, expect it!”.
    Good job writing about politics while keeping your blog free of politics.


  28. Amy Reese says:

    Great piece. I’d like to think politicians are motivated their convictions. You gotta have faith. I hope you’re feeling better, Sandra! Get well soon.


  29. Very nice… and it is still a politcal free zone, as you didn’t mention any thoughts on what the politician’s thoughts were 🙂 Hope you mange to win the fight against the cold soonest!


  30. draliman says:

    Stick to his guns or change his views to suit the masses? Quite the decision for “a man of conviction”. Great story!


  31. What a great take on the prompt – politicians have a hard job trying to keep to their convictions soon goes out of the window in this day and age.


  32. Sorry to hear you’re ill. Sandra. Good story. It looks like the speaker didn’t do well with that crowd. His convictions didn’t seem to mesh with their’s. Well done. I hope you’re better soon. 🙂 — Suzabbe


  33. If this is what comes from politics, then this shouldn’t be a politics free zone! Sharp, witty and beautiful fantastic word usage. Hope you feel better quickly, Sandra.


  34. iamehsan69 says:

    Great story!


  35. Margaret says:

    He’ll need to develop some more flexible convictions if he’s to succeed, I suspect. Great descriptions – I love your weather imagery.


  36. colonialist says:

    A good one! He’ll never make a politician. Mind you, some of our local specimens seem to dodge convictions for malpractices rather than have any of their own.


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