The Great Escape – Friday Fictioneers, October 2015


Ellen squinted past Geoffrey’s ear at her wristwatch.

“Will you be long, do you think?”

Geoffrey mumbled into her neck; Ellen sighed, remembering the dinner dishes still littering the kitchen.

Eventually he rolled away, a snore already rising from his throat.

Downstairs a handsome stranger was helping himself to brandy.

“I’d have asked, but I could see you were busy.”

Ellen gaped, blushing.

“Can I get you one?” he continued.

She nodded, stunned.

“W-why are you here?”

“To take you away from all this,” he said. “Up for it?”

She heard a voice, not unlike her own.

“I’ll get my coat.”

Ahem!  Sorry about that!   Not sure what came over me.  🙂  I see I adopted a similar, though less saucy approach to the photo last time around with Don’t Leave Me This Way.  Thanks once again to Rochelle for all her hard work over the last three years on behalf of our Friday Fictioneers group.  We’ve covered a lot of entertaining miles with her at the wheel of this particular bus. 

About Sandra

I used to cruise the French waterways with my husband four or five months a year, and wrote fiction and poetry. Now I live on the beautiful Dorset coast, enjoying the luxury of being able to have a cat, cultivating an extensive garden and getting involved in the community. I still write fiction, but only when the spirit moves me - which isn't as often as before. I love animals, F1 motor racing, French bread and my husband, though not necessarily in that order.
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83 Responses to The Great Escape – Friday Fictioneers, October 2015

  1. I love the thought of hearing your own saying the things you really do not dare to say.. great write… (I wonder if it was the same story last time)


  2. Dear, dear. That is so good. Poor Geoffrey. Lucky Ellen – I hop[e the brandy man lives up to her expectation.


  3. ceayr says:

    Ahem indeed!
    An x-rated tale from an A+ writer.


  4. Dave says:

    Are you sure somebody who helps himself to your booze is an improvement?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Dear Sandra,

    A handsome stranger in the kitchen? Intriguing and I won’t even share the image in my head, but it has long hair and no shirt. 😉 I’m slipping on my coat, too. Well done.

    BTW, I had to go back and reread your first story for this prompt. Glad I did. It’s a tearjerker.



    Liked by 1 person

  6. Good for her (don’t think she’ll need a coat though)!


  7. How come there are no handsome strangers in my kitchen? 🙂 All I can say: Go, girl…and don’t look back.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Sonya says:

    “She heard a voice, not unlike her own.” Excellent line, it conveys her surprise at her actions so well. I can’t blame her 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Wonderful writing, Sandra. Love your story. It really made me smile. 🙂


  10. Oh, I thought he was another ‘customer’, handsome or not. But perhaps I read it wrong. Still, great dialogue.


  11. gahlearner says:

    Let’s hope Prince Charming Brandy is a better lover. What an amazing take on the prompt.


  12. SarCou says:

    I shared Claire’s take on this 😉 a great story x


  13. Gosh, Sandra. Is there a line outside her door? Sounds like she’s been preparing for this. Or, is she going to wake up and do the dishes? If I found a strange man downstairs drinking the booze, I’d be concerned and check to see how he got in. Well written as always. 🙂 — Suzanne

    Liked by 1 person

  14. So unlike what I come here expecting, but in a completely and wonderfully funny way. “Will you be long, do you think?” indeed! 🙂 Thanks for the smile.


    Liked by 1 person

  15. Just popping down the kitchen – you never know!
    Visit Keith’s Ramblings!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. paulmclem says:

    Wonder what would have happened if he’d been on the loo when she went down #awkward


  17. What fun. I love the idea of a handsome stranger just hanging out in the kitchen waiting to sweep a girl off her feet! Well done.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. I’ll have whatever they’re having 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  19. helenmidgley says:

    Very neatly done, great little piece 🙂


  20. bykimberlylynne says:

    Took two reads, but ohmigosh. 😉 Fun read.


  21. I think it is high time for Geoffrey and Ellen to part company. When you start looking at your watch and asking how much longer, wanting to be with the dishes more than involved in the present it is definitely over. But does she want to go with omnipresent Brandy man. I like my privacy too much.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. plaridel says:

    for all you know, he could be an ax murderer. under the circumstances, he must be worth the risk. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Dale says:

    Cool and debonnair… sign me up! Tall, long dark curls, sexy eyes and mouth, bronzed… sorry, lost myself there! 😉


  24. You continue to surprise me. Enjoyable read.


  25. Sandra,
    I like what you’ve done with this prompt. My favorite line is, “she heard a voice, not unlike her own.” Great story.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. draliman says:

    I hope Mr Brandy is a better choice for a happier life! Ooh, that sounds like such a cool election slogan 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Don’t look back! Great concept Sandra.


  28. rgayer55 says:

    You know, I always wanted to be a handsome stranger. I got the strange part down pat, but the handsome aspect has thus far eluded me.

    I’m afraid your scene wouldn’t be the same with a hunchback named Igor. You are an amazing talent. I’ve learned a lot from studying your sentence structure.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. This brought a huge grin to my face! Quite racy, milady! Wonderful fantasy, and a tactfully written story.


  30. “W-why are you here?”
    “To take you away from all this,” he said. “Up for it?”
    She heard a voice, not unlike her own.
    “I’ll get my coat.”

    Classic exchange! Would that life were as easy!


  31. Where’s the dog this time?


  32. If I found a stranger in my home, handsome or not, drinking my brandy – I’d hit him with something and call the cops. lol. But, I’m not a romantic 🙂


  33. ansumani says:

    If I find myself looking at my wristwatch often….I would probably reach for the coat too 🙂 Very subtle story …each word packed with a ton of meaning and backstory. Excellent!


  34. Corina says:

    If only! I think we’ve all been there…at that “take me away” moment.


  35. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear Sandra,





  36. iamehsan69 says:

    😀 wow! I wish i could be there to take her away.Lucky Brandy man!


  37. rogershipp says:

    To be “taken away” …. sounds like a plan. Enjoyed!


  38. Amy Reese says:

    A handsome stranger wanting to take her away from all of it? This is saucy all right, Sandra. Maybe it was the moment she has been waiting for all along. Great story.


  39. hafong says:

    It made me smile, Sandra! I can see the whole thing. We all want to escape some days, don’t we? 🙂



  40. Margaret says:

    Fabulous story. I love the idea of a handsome stranger down in her kitchen waiting politely for her until she’s ready. What fun.


  41. I felt a warm blush come over me while reading this.
    Thanks so much Sandra, I enjoyed it. 😉


  42. Vinitha says:

    I just loved this story, Sandra. 🙂


  43. Indira says:

    Hi Sandra.Isn’t it risky to go with a stranger. Amusing story.


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