A Friend in Need – Friday Fictioneers, February 2018

Copyright Dale Rogerson

The snowman smiles his broken-pebble smile as Mildred waves from her window.

By four o’clock, he’d been freshy-built on the village green.

At six o’clock he’s across the street from Mildred’s house, his carrot-nose twitching left and right, as if scenting something.  Or someone.

By midnight, he’s outside her door, and Mildred, who’s still awake, lets him in.

“Let’s dance,” says Mildred, for at 89 she seldom gets to dance.

Now Mildred lies blue and cold in her hallway and the snowman, having danced the night and Mildred away, is back in the park, smiling his broken-pebble smile…

…slowly melting.

Make of it what you will, it’s the way Dale’s lovely photo led me.  🙂   Another great choice from the Friday Fictioneer leader, Rochelle.  Thanks for all you do.  Now that we live by the sea we don’t get to see snow the way we did when we lived near the Pennines or in East Anglia.  So I’ve enjoyed Dale’s recent captures – thanks Dale.

About Sandra

I used to cruise the French waterways with my husband four or five months a year, and wrote fiction and poetry. Now I live on the beautiful Dorset coast, enjoying the luxury of being able to have a cat, cultivating an extensive garden and getting involved in the community. I still write fiction, but only when the spirit moves me - which isn't as often as before. I love animals, F1 motor racing, French bread and my husband, though not necessarily in that order.
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77 Responses to A Friend in Need – Friday Fictioneers, February 2018

  1. neilmacdon says:

    “The Snowman” for grown-ups. I love the way you think


  2. ceayr says:

    A lonely lady’s dream, or nightmare, come true.
    You write sublimely, Sandra.


  3. Eeeee, a horror story! :-X Very well told. I’m now afraid of snowmen. Thanks!


  4. Dear Sandra,

    This had a real Twilight Zone feel to it. Could the snowman be the angel of death? At any rate, subtle and well written. I lift my purple coffee mug to you.




  5. Varad says:

    That was surreal. Maybe he was exactly who Mildred wanted that night. Nicely told, Sandra.


  6. michael1148humphris says:

    I did not expect that story . It was a great piece of writing, interpretable in so many ways. Lovely


  7. Ooh, this is wonderful, creepy, and surreal. It reminded me of the perfect murder tool that is always referenced – the icicle.


  8. The Last Dance, but it seems she enjoyed it.


  9. James says:

    The snowman was either really bad or really good.


  10. granonine says:

    I can think of a lot worse ways to exit this life. Wonderful imagination.


  11. trentpmcd says:

    Being a Romantic at heart, I will take the good side of the story, that Mildred was on her way out and wanted to end it by dancing the night away and the snowman was a wish come true. Thought I can see the dark side…


  12. This is sweet and a little spooky. Nicely done


  13. pennygadd51 says:

    Lovely story, really well told. To die while dancing must be a good way to end!


  14. Iain Kelly says:

    My first thought was ‘The Snowman’ animation too. This would be a sequel I’d pay to see 🙂


  15. liz young says:

    Brilliant! And she dies happy. Love the broken-pebble smile.


  16. Anita says:

    What a last dance of the Snowman and the woman…
    Beautifully conveyed.
    Happy Valentine’s Day!


  17. Anna Rymer says:

    Fantastic story – the not so grim heap… of snow ⛄️


  18. “Save the last dance for me!” I’m sure this is what Mildred said to the snowman. A great story, Sandra. I loved it.


  19. What a way to go! I hope she enjoyed her last dance.


  20. Such a great story! Magical and sinister.


  21. Dale says:

    I would love to give you some of my snow… that keeps coming and coming and coming…
    I love what you did with my pic! I am with the positive camp: that she chose to go out with a dance and a smile…


  22. Susan says:

    I concur with all the comments. A well written story with a touch of horror and romance. Well done


  23. Wonderfully descriptive. I read this a happy story. I’m sure he was a true gentle(snow)man!


  24. Such a lovely story Sandra.


  25. subroto says:

    Brilliant! So deliciously creepy and yet a ‘pulling at the heartstrings’ kind of sad story.


  26. Vivian Zems says:

    It seems that she wanted to go this way….beautifully penned.


  27. Rowena says:

    I wonder if the snowman had been the milkman in a past life? Great story. Well done.
    Best wishes,


  28. Lynn Love says:

    I love the broken pebble smile – it gives us a hint to where the story is going, though I feel Mildred was more than happy to take that last dance. Wonderfully told Sandra


  29. smiling his broken-pebble smile…

    …slowly melting. What beautiful lines


  30. Lovely, Sandra, just perfectly lovely.


  31. Oh I so wonder from this story… I hope she had a wonderful last dance, but I see a lonely woman being lost in the snow.


  32. mjlstories says:

    Now that was creepy!


  33. plaridel says:

    there’s a cartoonist feel to it. kids will love this story very much. adults should keep an open mind. 🙂


  34. draliman says:

    At first I thought “spooky” but at the end I was thinking the snowman had come for her as it was her time, and granted her one last dance. More likely her imagination, though 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Moon says:

    I read the comments and how people saw it as her wish come true but I still see the element of horror more prominently.
    Brilliant, as always!


  36. Jelli says:

    That was eerie and weird. Sent shivers down my spine,too. Excellently told.


  37. britlight says:

    Ooh…I’m torn; is it a tale of snowman murder, or the imagination of an old woman, dancing in her hallway with the front door open? Either way, loved it!


  38. LucciaGray says:

    That was beautiful. The snowman came in and took her away after dancing, a cold, but happy way to go…


  39. Dahlia says:

    Wow this is whimsical as well as spooky – very nicely done!


  40. Somehow I didn’t get the creepy feeling. But perhaps that was the story appealing to my dark side 🙂 I felt it was somehow sweet as he danced with her in her final hours, as she was going to die anyway. OR something like that. Well done, Sandra!


  41. magarisa says:

    A fairytale for adults – I really enjoyed this.


  42. Sad story, I suppose as it seems Mildred has met her demise. But if I live to be 89 I wouldn’t mind my last night be spent dancing with a snowman.Seems like a good way to go.


  43. Sarah Ann says:

    Deliciously creepy. I’m left wondering what the snowman has to gain, if anything, and hope at least Mildred enjoyed her last night of dancing. This has the feel of Tales of the Unexpected about it.


  44. What a gorgeous tiny tale, Sandra! Love the way you think and write. This was a delectable read with just the right blend of romance, suspense, horror and mystery. Looking forward to your net!


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