Bride and Prejudice – February 2022

Copyright Dale Rogerson

I confronted him with the book, of course. Or what remained of it.

“Because you’re not available to me when you’re reading…” he said.

I was incensed. So every night I woke him at 2am. 

“Because you’re not available to me when you’re sleeping.”

Then different excuses. 

“The cat knocked your coffee over … it fell into the fire…”

So I scorched his silk shirts… boil-washed his cashmere sweaters.

My retaliation, like his behaviour, knew no bounds.

Six months into our marriage he finally understood my passion for books.

I still left him.

Others might have killed him.

It wasn’t me.

Such a lovely photo prompt from Dale this week, thanks Dale. And thanks to Rochelle for continuing to lead the Friday Fictioneers every week. Click on the link to see how to participate.

About Sandra

I used to cruise the French waterways with my husband four or five months a year, and wrote fiction and poetry. Now I live on the beautiful Dorset coast, enjoying the luxury of being able to have a cat, cultivating an extensive garden and getting involved in the community. I still write fiction, but only when the spirit moves me - which isn't as often as before. I love animals, F1 motor racing, French bread and my husband, though not necessarily in that order.
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46 Responses to Bride and Prejudice – February 2022

  1. neilmacdon says:

    There’s a logic to this couple. They seem perfect for each other


  2. michael1148humphris says:

    Books are so special. Not being able to read, is a disaster. When I travel abroad I felt so frustrated at not being able read foreign language books.


  3. Dear Sandra,

    Oh my, there’s a marriage that got ugly. Boil-washing his cashmere sweaters. Now that’s, dare I say?–Cold. Love, love, love your title.




  4. Dale says:

    Sandra… you are brilliant! I love this in every way. He was rather hard of understanding… best she leave him before she accidentally hurt her own self in her retaliations!


  5. Iain Kelly says:

    Good that she knew to stop before it went that one step too far! Enjoyed that.


  6. trentpmcd says:

    First six months of marriage? Ouch. It was obviously hasty if he didn’t understand that simple thing before saying “I do”. And I do think killing or leaving were her only options, even after he did understand…


  7. granonine says:

    Sandra, this is one of your best. I love the ending!


  8. Liz Young says:

    Seems to me they should have got to know each other better before they married!


  9. Anita says:

    Mismatch made in heaven?
    So much lost as they both fought.
    Books mean a lot to some.


  10. I love your prose, really quality, weekly. Nicely done, it flows


  11. GHLearner says:

    People who don’t like to read are tolerable. People who deliberately prevent others from reading are not. I admire her restraint to not kill him.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Bill says:

    Some things simply should not, or will not, be. I saw a meme the other day, “I would put my book down for you.” Now that is true love.


  13. James McEwan says:

    Wow! A very confrontational relationship indeed. Boiled the cashmere sweats! Oh no, they were a gift from mother.


  14. Six months she’d rather forget, I’m sure. Proof that opposites do not necessarily attract!


  15. ahtdoucette says:

    Wow, that ending. Another great relationship drama piece, as ever, but that ending though. Hm… Well told.


  16. Margaret says:

    Oh dear. A brief and stormy relationship. Maybe she’d better go for a fellow book lover next time round. Great title.


  17. CGraith says:

    Vengefulness is not an admirable attribute but you made it into an energetic, entertaining little tale. Thanks for sharing!


  18. Patricia Clair says:

    I absolutely LOVED this!


  19. jillyfunnell says:

    He was lucky she didn’t dish up a harsher punishment! I loved the vivid picture you painted here.


  20. Who knows how far she could go with her anger if she boiled his cashmere sweater.
    YIKES … do you think he got it??? ha ha Superb!!!
    Have a good weekend … Isadora 😎


  21. i b arora says:

    of course a good reason to kill


  22. That marriage went quick. I loved the ending. It kind of sounded like someone offed him in the end. Imagine, destroying books! He deserved it. 😀


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