An Exclusive With Clyde’s Mum…

Happy New Year to my Friday Fictioneer colleagues! Hope it’s a good one.

Exhausted from a surfeit of sentiment over the Christmas and New Year festivities, I hadn’t got it in me to dredge up some ‘old Shep’ inspiration.

This picture was taken by our genial host’s daughter-in-law.  Thanks to Rochelle for publishing it, and for continuing to host our weekly get-togethers.

Clyde was always on the look-out for an opportunityWhilst the others were settlin’ down, raisin’ young, Clyde was out there, raisin’ Cain.  Marchin’ to a different drummer – that was Clyde.

I’d hear about him now and then, out west, doin’ his thing. And not good stuff, but hell, Clyde was his own person, absolutely.

Then he started sniffin’ after that bitch; ruined him she did.  Led him astray, made him careless.

Eventually they was both mown down on the highway,  cops chasin’ after ’em.

No way for Clyde to go.  That Bonnie … lot to answer for, doggone it…

About Sandra

I used to cruise the French waterways with my husband four or five months a year, and wrote fiction and poetry. Now I live on the beautiful Dorset coast, enjoying the luxury of being able to have a cat, cultivating an extensive garden and getting involved in the community. I still write fiction, but only when the spirit moves me - which isn't as often as before. I love animals, F1 motor racing, French bread and my husband, though not necessarily in that order.
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67 Responses to An Exclusive With Clyde’s Mum…

  1. Dear Sandra,

    I can always count on you to take a prompt and set it on its ear. Thanks for the New Year’s chuckles. Great story.




  2. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear Sandra,

    I am unutterably jealous of you and your doggone story because you wrote it and it is possibly the best FF story I’ve ever read. Makes it doubly hard to write mine now.

    Happy New Year, Sandra!

    Now it’s back to the writing table for me.




  3. Great take Sandra, you had me in all the way, I love a bonnie and clyde story even a doggie version.


  4. I’m sure going up a tree would be a sign Clyde ran asrray. Good story.


  5. mike olley says:

    Dogs on the run. This could have been avoided if they were kept on a lead… : ) Nicely done!


  6. Mike says:

    I loved your Bonnie & Clyde story – doggie version. A clever take on the prompt.
    A good start to the New Year.


  7. The influence from a bad bitch … always gets the blame… Great take.. and Happy New Year.


  8. Dee says:

    Hi Sandra, loved your story,
    Hoping you have a healthy and happy 2014


  9. jwdwrites says:

    Very clever story Sandra and great fun too. I really enjoyed it. 🙂


  10. Well done, Sandra. No whinging from me about that one!



  11. JackieP says:

    Well wasn’t that clever! I loved it. Great take! 🙂


  12. Jan Brown says:

    Very clever!!!!!!!!


  13. Judee says:

    Great use of words. I love the “doggone it” at the end. 😉


  14. zookyworld says:

    Got to admire the pups’ independent spirit as they went out there and raised Cain! Also, I admire your writing — it’s a clever take on the photo, and I like the voice in it.


  15. Adam Ickes says:

    This story is absolutely amazing, Sandra. I bow to your superior ability. If I’m ever half the writer you are I’ll certainly be a happy pup.


    • Sandra says:

      Such a lovely thing to say Adam! 🙂 I’m glad you liked the story – I wasn’t totally convinced about this one, so it’s good to know that it found favour with some people.


  16. Damn Bonnie. Always making trouble. Great voice in your story.


  17. draliman says:

    Great take on this week’s prompt! A doggie Bonnie and Clyde 🙂 Very clever.


  18. Led me into that one all right. And me having seen the movie in a theater when it first came out in the late 6o’s.


  19. plaridel says:

    it takes a lot of imagination to come up with a story like this. bonnie and clyde wherever they are would be pleased.


  20. pattisj says:

    The new doggone adventures of Bonnie and Clyde–loved it!


  21. Brilliant! Every clever word, so well placed. Love this, Sandra.


  22. Clever and amusing tale.
    Love it.


  23. elmowrites says:

    I like how you took an unusual path to a normal place – don’t the mothers always blame “that bitch”? This prompt has certainly sent people some very different ways!


  24. MissTiffany says:

    Love the play on words here. Clever!


  25. liz young says:

    I was settin’ readin’ through FF, startin’ from the bottom for a change, and darn it – your story made me sit up!


  26. annisik51 says:

    A nice bit of black humour always makes my day. You proved the adage that you ‘can’t keep a bad Clyde down’. Nice angle on the photo prompt. Happy New Year to you Sandra. Ann


  27. kz says:

    haha i had so much fun reading this! 🙂 very clever and entertaining. loved the voice too. happy 2014


  28. unspywriter says:

    Literally, LOL! That was great! I was already enjoying it when I got to the twist at the end. 😉

    Here’s mine:


  29. Great take, Sandra. I can always expect a twist with you and this story is no exception. I too am exhausted with a surfeit of sentiment. Yes, that’s it exactly!


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