Creepy: Weekly Photo Challenge

seurre storm 1There’d been storms and heavy rain all week; the river was in flood.  And then, one evening just as the storm headed off to the east, the setting sun suddenly emerged below the cloud.  The light on the horse-chestnut trees, framed by the receding storm skies was truly… well, creepy.

DSCF2729The banks of the Canal du Nivernais on the descent from the summit are populated by a group of artists.  This exhibit was quite disturbing – almost a ‘bonfire of childhood’.

If, like me, you can’t think of bats without imagining them flying at you and getting tangled in your hair, you may find this gallery of flying foxes a bit too much to bear.

DSCF2337-002I think it’s something about the way the almost-human way the legs hang, but I can’t look at this suspended wet-suit without imagining all sorts of possibilities if I were to get too close to it.  😦

‘Creepy’ was the Photo Challenge this week.  Click on the link to see what creeps others out.

About Sandra

I used to cruise the French waterways with my husband four or five months a year, and wrote fiction and poetry. Now I live on the beautiful Dorset coast, enjoying the luxury of being able to have a cat, cultivating an extensive garden and getting involved in the community. I still write fiction, but only when the spirit moves me - which isn't as often as before. I love animals, F1 motor racing, French bread and my husband, though not necessarily in that order.
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26 Responses to Creepy: Weekly Photo Challenge

  1. Oh my god those bats are truly creepy.


  2. Amy Reese says:

    All creepy good, Sandra. I’m with you. I’m not going near the last one.


  3. These area great examples of “creepy.” We have a lot of wetsuits hanging in our sailshed, so I appreciate this one!


  4. blackmutts says:

    I found the bats cute, but the rest of these might give me nightmares!


  5. Oh, the wet suit really fills me with dread, Sandra. Those dolls are a very close second though. 😯


  6. billgncs says:

    Looks like zombies are imminent !


  7. I kind of like bats, especially because they eat mosquitoes and other “fun” things, but those dolls are really disturbing!



  8. bythebriny says:

    Oh man, nightmares tonight.


  9. Pingback: Photo Challenge; Creepy | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice

  10. Maggie C says:

    I can’t decide which one creeps me out the most. I’m thinking the dolls, though. Great photos!


  11. You found some good subjects for “creepy,” Sandra. What is the creepiest thing about the dolls are the artists who put them there. What were they thinking? O_o


  12. That particular light is my holy grail. I adore it. You did a fantastic job of finding four shots that are wonderfully creepy, each in their own way. (By the way, I love bats … but I had to overcome a childhood phobia before I could begin to appreciate them.)


  13. Pingback: You want creepy? My whole blog is creepy! | Renae Rude - The Paranormalist

  14. Indira says:

    Nice creepy pics. Bats looks really creepy. Doll pic is creepy enough for FF challenge.


  15. Jane Lurie says:

    Great choices for the theme. The bats, especially.. I saw them once hanging like that in Sydney.


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