Him Too – Friday Fictioneers, October 2020

JHardy photo

Copyright JHardy

She’s been depleted by it all.

The whispers, accusations, police, lawyers, the attention-seeking dewy-eyed young women queuing up for their fifteen minutes of fame.

Justice may have ultimately prevailed, but at what cost to his reputation, their social standing, even lifelong friendships, both his and hers. 

They’ll all come crawling back soon though. Some already have.

Meanwhile she’s keeping herself busy, hanging up his pristine shirts, folding away his cashmere sweaters, pairing his socks.

But it’s the soft rustle of something taped to the underside of his handkerchief drawer that signals it’s not yet over.

Not by a long shot.

It seems that every time I miss a week I return to find WordPress has modified itself yet again. I assume they believe that we’ve all got so much time on our hands there’s nothing we’d like better than to fill our hours puzzling our way through their new format and weird terminology. I’m beginning to contemplate a time when it may not be worth the effort. 😦 I would sadly miss my weekly foray with Friday Fictioneers though. Thanks once again for hosting, Rochelle.

About Sandra

I used to cruise the French waterways with my husband four or five months a year, and wrote fiction and poetry. Now I live on the beautiful Dorset coast, enjoying the luxury of being able to have a cat, cultivating an extensive garden and getting involved in the community. I still write fiction, but only when the spirit moves me - which isn't as often as before. I love animals, F1 motor racing, French bread and my husband, though not necessarily in that order.
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68 Responses to Him Too – Friday Fictioneers, October 2020

  1. ceayr says:

    I give up.
    So much in so little.
    Another masterclass in saying just enough…

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Tannille says:

    This would make a good tv drama.


  3. Dear Sandra,

    The woman who’s damaged the most in a highly publicized sex scandal. You’ve depicted her well.



    Liked by 1 person

  4. neilmacdon says:

    The art of writing flash is to make use of the empty space. Brilliantly done, Sandra. Please don’t give up on WordPress. I enjoy your writing too much


  5. bearmkwa says:

    I hear your cry about wordpress, really, I do. More things to complicate our already complicated lives. Don’t give up, though. We’d really REALLY miss you. Love this story. So many secrets we hide… hmm, maybe I better take that envie off the bottom of the sock drawer now… hehehe!


    • Sandra says:

      Thanks so much. I’ll put aside some time to bottom this new stuff. So much of everything that amounted to normal life is being eroded right now, I don’t think I can afford to let this blogging stuff go. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Iain Kelly says:

    The story behind the lurid tabloid headlines. Superbly done as always.


  7. oldentimes says:

    Choosing the best weapons?


  8. granonine says:

    Sandra, I look forward to your stories every week. Always clear, concise, and holding a powerful punch. This one is no exception.


  9. Danny James says:

    Well done as always.


  10. Dora says:

    You show us how it’s done, Sandra. Please don’t leave WP as we would miss you and your creative talents so much.


  11. Superb and elegant story.


  12. pennygadd51 says:

    A story filled with ambiguity. Beautifully written. Please, please, please don’t abandon FF – You give us far too much enjoyment!


  13. Wonderfully and heartbreakingly rendered. Nice!
    As for WordPress’s icky new editor, I just go to the “classic block” and write everything in that one block … It is still not as good as it was before, but it is better than the nonsense they put in there now …


  14. HonieBriggs says:

    The tech tweaks are annoying as ever. But the FF stories as a good as I remember. Nice writing!


  15. Another excellent story with depth in only one hundred words!


  16. How sad to be living in a world filled with so much mistrust, really well told. And as a post script, I agree with the issue of WordPress changing, but i’ve finally found a way through to, all be it i’m not posting as much as I used to; November is going to be different, I’ve got a plan


  17. An intriguing tale and once again you won the battle with WordPress!


    • Sandra says:

      Yes. I’m amazed. I really need to devote some time to getting used to the new stuff, but every week, all of a sudden, it’s FF time and I’m faced with all those as yet unresolved issues. I’ll get there.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Ramya Vivek says:

    Wow. Too good👏👏


  19. liz young says:

    Such a lot in a short story – well done again. And what have WordPress done now? I have the same with Blogspot a couple of months back, and as I only use my blog once a wek for FF I am only just getting used to it.


  20. plaridel says:

    somehow your story seems to be a metaphor for the disgust and resignation we experience dealing with wordpress lately. how long we can hang on is a different matter altogether. 🙂


  21. msjadeli says:

    I wonder what she’ll do with her discovery? I like what you say here as much as what you don’t. Very nicely done, Sandra.


  22. draliman says:

    More secrets still to be discovered…


  23. You know people are upscale when they have an entire drawer dedicated to hankies. It’s odd how scandals wreck some people’s lives and others seem to profit from the fame.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Oh dear, it’s not over. And neither should be your experience with WP, though constant changes are frustrating for sure. Love your story Sandra.


  25. Oh, so well done! Thank you!


  26. Nobbinmaug says:

    Every time I read one of your stories I try to figure out how I can learn from your masterful subtlety. This one’s among the best of your best. You can’t quit. I have far too much to learn.


  27. Dale says:

    Brilliantly done, Sandra. So much said in so few words and going through it all is heartbreaking, frustrating and in her case, not even the end of it!
    I left a suggestion above on how to go around the annoyance of the Block Editor…


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